Chapter 27: Morita were asking Hinano about Takashi were leaving

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Right after Morita wanted to know why her brother had to leave the Sakura house as his cancer was back again and he didn't say anything about his health to his sister about it.

Morita: Hinano please tell me why nii-chan had to go back just because his cancer was back again

Hinano: Morita his cancer was a serious issue this one but others know that he had his secret not to tell you about it

Nakashima: yes he did Morita but we all know him since he came here back to the Sakura house just to see you in person along with Kira as his assistant partner

While Morita dragged Hinano back to the Hinata House another of the members had to look at both of them who just come here without saying anything to them when Hinano signalled them to talk about Takashi Hikaru as his cancer was back again.

Kumi: I'm sorry to hear that you didn't know that much about your brother who had come here to see you while he kept his secret about his heart cancer

Morita: wait...what did you say again? How come he got heart cancer all of a sudden

Hinano: Morita I will tell you about your brother as you should know about this

Flashback later Takashi had to return to the Sakura house to see one of his favourite sisters of all time and it was Morita Hikaru but Kira and Yumiko had some warning not to go that long until he had his heart cancer back again on his worst condition ever could become.

Hinano: Takashi senpai didn't want you to worry about his cancer so Did Yumiko who had been taking care of him at the Mansion

Morita: Hinano I need some fresh air all for myself

Hinano: sure no problem please don't take too long

Right before Morita wanted to take a fresh air break someone was calling Morita's name from behind it was Haruki who had been here with his sister and was happy to see that her vampire brother and boyfriend were back again as the last vampire to awakening power within himself.

Haruki: wait...up Morita I have something to give you before Takashi leaves the Sakura house here take this with you it belongs to you *pass to her*

Morita: wait...why did you have something like this as nii-chan didn't tell me about his cancer

Haruki: Takashi didn't want you to worry about him as well as you can count on Seki who has been taking care of him back at his Mansion *left*

In the meantime, Morita had to see that her brother was giving her some charm to calm down her thoughts while he was okay with Yumiko by his side.

Morita: nii-chan were you okay just as you came back here you noticed that you had some heart cancer coming back

Takashi: ah...Morita, I am happy to hear your voice again and I am not okay right now as much as you want me to feel better

Morita: nii-chan please listen to Seki about all about your condition that you want to make feel better like always be

Out of the blue, Takashi had to go and pass to Seki to speak with Morita her former member back from the Sakurazaka46 member idol as they were talking to each other she entered the house and changed into her brother's Mansion as she saw that she was in a daydream walked into back to the Hinata House went Hinano notice that she was inside of virtual daydream to see her brother back at the Mansion.

Mikuni: Hinano what did happen to your girlfriend and why is she daydreaming about what

Hinano: Takashi senpai takes her back to see her brother again at the Mansion along with Seki

Haruyo: wait...can he do that just to let her see back to his Mansion along with Seki

Meanwhile, Morita walked toward her brother who was sitting on the sofa along with Seki who had been taking care of him since she had to take care of him until he was better again.

Morita: nii-chan I miss you right now but I can't hug you tight enough please recover your cancer once you return here with me

Takashi: don't worry Morita my lovely sister I will be okay just trust Seki on this

Yumiko: trust me on this Mortia and I can recover your brother on everything that I can be with him the whole day long

Back in her calm-down dream Hinano was tapped on her shoulder when she could see her surroundings were back again to the Hinata House she hugged Hinano back and started to cry on her shoulder while Hinano was taken back from her room to feel kind of down not to see her brother just over those months before he need to recover his cancer once he can to see her back again to the Sakura house.

Kumi: woah...that did happen just without any sound coming from Hinano words just snap out of the blue

Haruki: we'll they had their time been alone just as we do here Miku

Kanemura: did think so we should have some time be alone with you outside the house garden

When Haruki and Kanemura wanted to have their best time with each other went back to Hinano's room along with Morita who had been feeling kind of down not to see her brother next week until he had done his surgery back at his Mansion.

Hinano: Morita don't worry about him but right now please accompany me here as we have some alone time together *chin kiss*

Morita: Hinano please get me more attention while I didn't want to know whether nii-chan is okay or not okay please kiss me more of your sweet love

Hinano: Morita you are such a beautiful person that you cared about your brother so much until he is okay trust Seki that been taken care of him back to the Mansion *kiss*

After Hinano pushed Mortia against the bed they slept inside until the next morning when they found out that Takashi's results were out Hinano could check on the LINE message from her phone as Seki was sent directly to her.

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