Chapter 14: Kira and Miu had to go their first date

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Before Kira wanted to go on a date with Miu they wanted to have a special moment together the other members had seen them and had to go from somewhere else as they were liking each other as a sweet couple.

Kira: Miu let go and I want to take you for some date together as a couple but we can have some sweet moments with you alone with me

Miu: Kira...I do miss this moment with you as much as you would like to go on a date with me where are we going then

Kira: it is a secret and I can't tell you where we are going but let shall we have some fun with the both of us at the same time Miu

When Kira and Miu left the Sakura House as Haruki and his human sister had arrived at his Butler Master Mansion she was getting scared to see there have every vampire who was there with them at the Mansion itself.

Haruki: Haruyo...not be scared they won't bite you but if want you can hug me for the whole day

Haruyo: nii-chan please don't let them touch me and I will stick to you as Butler was speaking with them

Haruki: okay sure of course but can we sit down on the chair while Butler can do what he must do with them

Later Haruyo nodded at her vampire brother as they saw that Lord Haruki had his human sister to bring over here as his closest family himself much as they wouldn't try to distract them that much.

Butler: Haruki can you take Haruyo back from the Mansion so she can calm her mind down

Haruki: sure of course I will take her over there as you can talk business while they finish talking with you

Butler: as you wish Lord Haruki *bow*

Meanwhile, Haruki was carrying his human sister around his hips as they were a bit jealous that he had someone close to him his only family that left himself alone as the last human family that he got left with him.

Haruyo: nii-chan where are going and why did you take us outside of the Mansion, nii-chan

Haruki: because Butler wants to talk something with them about their vampire business as they had finished talking to them and you can introduce yourself to them while I standing beside you the whole time with you

Haruyo: nii-chan you promised me that you stay close to me at my side until this is over

After Haruyo can see how cool her vampire brother who has his vampire black wings around his back as they land back in front of the Mansion door Butler opens the door just for us to return inside to the Mansion living room to go and meet with other Butler vampire friend same as Haruyo can introduce to them one at the time for them to know her human name.

Butler: Lord Haruki they want to know why Master had to transfer his vampire power to you

Haruki: sure of course please lead the way Butler as Haruyo can come too long for this story as well

Butler: sure your human sister can listen to your story together with you as much as she was a bit scared of them while she was hugging you tight and never let you go that easy

In the meantime, Haruki entered back inside the Mansion as they were seeing how did last Master had transferred his vampire power to this human who was about to die and suddenly he had become the most last vampire for the awakening power within him.

Haruki: so Butler can you tell me what is their name so that Haruyo can introduce them to them one by one she wants to stay with me on my side

Butler: sure of course I will and we can start with him and her who is a vampire and an idol group member but she was a bit of a shy person to talk with

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