Chapter 25: Hinano and Morita had to go for their third date

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Meanwhile, Hinano wants to have a third date with Morita for her experience more than to go for her first Pokemon game that she loved so much as she was her favourite thing to do with Hinano while she was seeing her smile for the first time on her face.

Hinano: Morita let go we have to be hurry to go to your third date as I have some secret plans for you to see

Morita: wait...Hinano I am not ready for this third date but where are you going to take me

Hinano: it is my secret date to take you that you want to go so badly but you didn't have a chance to go just because of your work schedule isn't that right, Morita

Out of the blue, Hinano and Morita left the Sakura House as they were going on their third date as someone here had to come back from his workplace centre same as Kira and Miu who were returning from Takashi jobs as his assistants but he wanted to tell his sister that he will go back home from his hometown as he wants to leave her alone this time round.

Takashi: wait...Morita, where is she now?

Matsuda: uh...Takashi senpai why are you in a bit of a rush here did you want to go somewhere else

Takashi: Matsuda I am not going somewhere else but I was about to leave her as I go back to my hometown as I will tell someone here to her

Back at the airport where Takashi was going to take the private plane back to his hometown to go to Fukuako as he missed his sister so much he did want to stay a bit longer but he couldn't stay there with her side but he had just problem with his condition issues that his cancer was back at his body.

Takashi: I'm sorry everyone but I need to go if you see Morita or even Hinano please ask them to meet me at the airport where I am ready to go back to Fukauko

Matsuda: sure no problem but are you sure you want to go back there as she will miss you so much and she will not see you back right here

Takashi: I am sure of it Matsuda as you know my condition is back again as usual I will excuse myself from the house

In the meantime, Takashi was back from the Sakura House and there were the Nogizaka46 members walked toward him as he was a bit shocked seeing them here back at the Sakura House from the outside of the house.

Takashi: Ichinose...what are you doing here?

Ichinose: of course to see you back and why didn't you tell us that you were going back to your hometown at Fukuoka

Takashi: yes I did but I think why I did go back home to Fukuoka right, Ichinose?

Ichinose saw that Takashi was very serious about the return back home to his Fukuoka as he had his condition returned from his body and they didn't want to know his cancer was back again from his body.

Ichinose: wait...Takashi senpai your cancer was back again this round did your sister know about this or did even Hinano know that you had cancer

Takashi: both of them didn't know the truth about me but someone inside knew that I had heart cancer

Ichinose: who was the person they knew you had heart cancer Takashi Senpai

Later Takashi had to just pat Ichinose's shoulder while he was dragged his suitcase he took a taxi, leaving Sakura's house and back to the airport to take the private plane and go off to Fukuoka where they were living together went they were kids as siblings.

Ichinose: have a safe trip to Fukuoka Takashi senpai

Tamura: wait...Takashi senpai huh where did he go

Ichinose: Tamura Hono was right and Takashi senpai had left and he did manage me that someone here knew that his heart cancer was back and it was you isn't that right, Hono

Suddenly, Tamura nodded toward Ichinose while they were going to miss Takashi They had have safe trip flight to Fukuoka but his sister didn't know that her brother had his heart cancer back to his worst condition ever.

Ichinose: Tamura why didn't you tell me that you know that Takashi had his heart cancer back again and his sister could be sad hearing this news about her brother having cancer

Tamura: she wasn't here right now and besides she was having some third date with Hinano to take her time with her

Ichinose: right sorry of course but I need to leave you as you need to talk to Hinano when they have reached back here

When Ichinose Miku returned to the Nogi House Tamura was ready to tell Hinano that Takashi had his heart cancer back to the condition that we thought was gone but no it came back as soon as he was using something that hit his cancer turn on again.

Matsuda: Tamura why did you take long enough to talk to Ichinose Miku back outside the house

Tamura: oh nothing some Takashi reason that he just left the Sakura house and he needs to go back to his hometown back to Fukuoka

Takemoto: did something happen to him or did he need to go back to Fukuoka as he had something going on with his life

Once Tamura was waiting for the couple had return inside the Sakura house living room they returned as soon as possible someone here had to rush through the third date with Morita.

Tamura: speaking of those couple had to return as soon as possible

Takemoto: they can't return from their third date with Morita right?

Hinano: where is Takashi senpai!! *return from her third date with Morita*

Tamura Hono crossed both of her arms as Takemoto was shocked to see that Tamura knew that they had returned from a third date as they didn't have time to have a sweet kiss just because her brother was leaving her alone this time round.

Hinano: someone tells me where the hell is Takashi senpai!!

Morita: wow easy there Hinano and I am sure that nii-chan left for some other job to be done right

Takemoto: well...Morita your brother wasn't return here ever again just because he had done something bad result isn't that right, Tamura

When Hinano was grab Morita's chin to try to kiss her to calm down what was happening here back in the Sakura house living room They had finished their third date with a kiss on her lips she wanted to know about her brother's life as to why did he have to leave again away from her side.

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