Chapter 15: Lord Haruki had introduced to his human sister

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Right after Haruki had to introduce his sister to the vampire cousin who had to see that they were meeting for the first time with each other as they knew that Lord Haruki had his human sister to take care of while he had another to take care of as he had his girlfriend who was back from the Hinata House.

Haruki: everyone I want to introduce you to all here is my human sister and her name is Yamaguchi Haruyo the same as my name was please take care as she was your sister from the past life

Leon: nice to meet you Haruyo and I am the last vampire cousin who had life over a hundred years old you can call me Leon nii-san as you had Haruki as your first vampire brother

Haruyo: Leon nii-san I will have some fun with both of you as my vampire brother with his cousin

Right after Leon had to get to know Lord Haruki's human sister as the guest star member arrived back at the vampire Mansion they saw that Kira had to bring Miu back over here to introduce to others that she was a vampire princess from the last family that they were had left.

Kira: I'm sorry we are coming late because we just had something to attend to anyway

Haruki: it's okay and besides you had your best time with Miu while she knew that you were the last vampire clan member right

Kira: Miu know that I am the last vampire clan that I haven't even said anything to her before she knows that I am the vampire awakening as long as princess

Once Kira pushed Miu back as she was greeting Lord Haruki's human sister as it was her first time meeting her same as Haruki who was standing there with his Butler who were decided to take action if Haruyo got getting trouble or danger herself to meet the most Evil vampire in front of her as both of Lord Haruki and Leon can help her from it.

Kira: The Miu I want to introduce to is Yamaguchi Haruyo my cousin's sister Haruki was his actual sister as he had his front same name and Haruyo is Murayama Miu and she was my human girlfriend just call her Miu

Haruyo: nice to meet you Miu and please take care of me the same as Kira did to another member as well

Miu: I will promise you I will take care of you myself as much as others know that Kira was a vampire earlier than she was before

Back at the Sakura House later someone came back to the living room they could see it was Masumoto Kira with her girlfriend as she wanted to tell others about her super secret that they wouldn't know about her past life being a vampire transformed into the same awakening power as Haruki.

Takemoto: Kira...what did you want to ask us to come back over here as you bring along Miu with you

Kira: I'm sorry that I lie to everyone here that I had the same awakening power as Lord Haruki and he is my cousin's brother he had another cousin brother who was named Leon as he didn't have his first name Haruki could make the same as Yamaguchi family it could be better for him to join the family of them

Ozono: wait...Kira are you saying that you are the vampire who had awakening power as your past life was over as you became the vampire but did Miu know about this while you go and date her

In the meantime, Miu knew that her vampire princess girlfriend was the vampire as she had to protect her from anything that could make them even stronger than ever right before someone who stopped us from being family that we could know of.

Takashi: congrats to both of you as I knew you were not that human from before Kira as you were starting over to become the vampire right to protect your crush, Miu

Morita: wait...nii-san all of a sudden you had appeared without any sound coming from you where did you come from anyway

Takashi: sorry Morita I did use no sound shoes so that I can come here without making any sound as I want to ask someone here wants to go with me to work and learn something along the way

The 3rd gen members Kojima and Ishimori want to follow him as the same with Riko wants to get to know him even better but he has decided that he will take the three of them back to his workplace centre as Kira had ended her work contract with Takashi as she will stay here with her crush Miu along with those people want some help with them.

Takashi: well... let's get going and Morita please visit Hinano back at the Hinata House she wants to ask you something

Morita: wait...nii-san why did you know that Hinano wanted to ask me about something did you unlock your sense again

Takashi: what are you talking about here Morita I don't have to unlock anything just I had some good sense that Hinano was waiting for you over there

Right after Takashi had vanished inside the Sakura House Morita was going to meet with her girlfriend back at the Hinata House Hinano rushed toward her and they fell together on the ground back inside the House Leon saw that someone here had their girlfriend who was been worried about another member.

Leon: Haruyo every time I come here why is it that every different member from the idol had their girlfriend could come here and see for the loved ones

Haruyo: Leon nii-san they become a couple for their loved ones as both of their names are Kamimura and Hinano with her girlfriend's name is Morita Hikaru just call both Hinano and Morita

Leon: well...nice to meet you both my name is Yamaguchi Leon the last vampire cousin that Haruki brought me over here to live with other human family while the Mansion will get makeover the building itself *bow*

Before Leon had introduced to himself those couple they were surprised that Haruki had another handsome vampire brother within the member family as he was staying at the house along with Haruyo's side.

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