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Filming had wrapped up and we had one day in Ibitha before we fly back home. I personally wanted to chill on the sunny beaches with the sand on my feet and the sun in my face but no. Johnny and Filly were adamant to go out for drinks.

That fucking yoghurt Nella gave me still made my stomach feel disgusting so I really wasn't up to doing anything but lay down and stay hydrated.

I was laid on a chair on my hotel rooms balcony as Nella went out to buy some alcohol and 'woman necessities' as she called them as she was running out the door.

I opened my phone to a message from Sharky. He had spoke to me almost everyday since I got here and he had been heading toward asking me out on a date.


How you doing?
                                   Been fine just can't wait to get    home.      

I can't wait for you to get back either☺️

                               Ohh you thinking of asking me a special something🤷‍♀️

That's for me to know and for u to find out😇

                           Ooo playing it like that are we?

Yess we are, I'm filming rn so I'll get back to you later 😉

                                              Talk later Sharks ☺️

It was a quick conversation but I was so ready to just pass out I was glad he was filming.

I couldn't wait to get back and see him and just start something new with him. It sounded cringe but just was happy to be getting to know him and he seemed like he was too.

My eyes started drawing together as mind wandered to sleep, only to be shattered by filly's loud mouth.

"Yooo man!" He shouted peeking his head out of the balcony door.

"Seriously lei! Come on let's hit ocean beach!!" Johnny shouted in his whitest outfit in the world.

"Seriously Johnny I really don't feel like it but please enjoy your night," I said my voice croaking from my lack of water.

"Yo Leilani? Are you actually ok?" Nella said as my eyes started rolling in the back of my head.

"Yea Nells I'm fine," I said my speech slurring. My head was spinning and they all looked like blurry figures looking down at us.

"I think we need to take her to the hospital," Johnny said his tone antsy and anxious in one.

"You think," Nella said slapping him on the back of his head.


"Shut up u baby,"

"Lei, stand up me and filly will help you okay?" She said talking an inch louder than she normally does.

"Mmmm," was all my brain could comprehend to say as my legs, feeling like jelly were placed on the scorching hot concrete.

"She can't walk, I'll carry her," filly said scooping my legs and carrying me to the door.

"I'll call Natalie," she said as she took my phone and called my agent.

"We got a cab Nells hurry!" Johnny shouted after her as she ran down the stairs to the reception.

Thats the last thing I remember before my head went blank.


touch me // beta squad   DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now