Chapter 4 An Imperfect Family Dinner

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I arrived at Daisy’s car a few moments later.

“Hi Daisy, how was your day” I asked.

“Quite good how was yours” she replied as she started the engine of her yellow sedan.

“The usual I suppose” I replied.

 “So am I just taking you home today” she asked.

“Yeah, I have some stuff to do” I said vaguely.

“Okay” she replied. “I do too.”

Once I got there I saw my mom in the kitchen.

“Oh hi Alexa, how was your day” she asked.

“It was good” I said pouring myself a glass of juice.

“That’s good, do you know what time your sister will be home” she asked glancing at the clock.

“No were sisters it’s not like we talk” I replied walking into the living room and sat down on the couch.

She followed me in a few seconds later.

“So what are you up to” she asked.

“I was just going to check out the news to try to find a topic for my current events project” I answered as I flicked through the TV channels.

“Oh okay I hope you find something” she said as she made her way back towards the direction of the kitchen.

“Mom” I called at the last second as she reached the kitchen.

“Yes” she said turning to look at me.

“Is there something you wanted to talk about” I asked being a little perplexed by her behavior.

“Not really it’s just that April doesn’t want to come home this weekend and Audrina never seems to be home and well you father is either doing work at work or doing work upstairs. It gets a little lonely in the kitchen.” She answered looking at me with a slightly sad expression.

“Well how about you and I bake a special dessert together for dinner” I asked think if I spent some time with her she might feel better.

“Okay I guess we could do that” she replied. “If your current events project can wait that is.”

“It can wait” I said grabbing my empty juice glass and following her into the kitchen.

The kitchen is a very sunny place with a sky light and bright yellow painted walls. The white tile floor makes it easy to clean which is good since we made a bit of a mess.

When the sky started to darken around the sky light Audrina walked in.

“Oh wow what smells good” she asked as she entered the room.

“Oh hi Audrina, we were just baking a cake for dessert” mom said wiping up some sort of powdery ingredient of the countertop.

“Oh what kind” she asked peering into the oven.

“Carrot with homemade cream cheese frosting” I replied.

“Dinner is almost ready. Audrina, why don’t you go put your stuff away. Alexa, will you go tell your father dinner is almost done? She asked pulling a tray of homemade macaroni and cheese out of the oven.

“No Alexa, I’ll tell him I’m going up there anyways” Audrina said as she walked out of the room.

She reappeared a  few minutes later.

“He won’t be joining us for dinner. Should I bring him up a plate” she asked.

“No not tonight if he wants something he can get it himself” mom said putting plates on the table. 

“Okay” I said scooping macaroni and cheese onto my plate.

“Are you going to try to teach him a lesson” Asked Audrina through a mouthful of bread.

“No I just don’t get why he can’t come down to a least grab his own dinner.” Let me know when you’re ready for cake” mom said buttering her dinner roll.

“So Audrina, how was your day” I asked in between bites of food.

“It was going good until one of the sophomore cheerleaders got kicked off the squad. Now I have to find someone to fill her spot in the routine” she sighed into her drink.

“Mom, should I go get the cake” I asked as I stood up.

“Yeah go ahead. It’s on the counter” she said.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the cake and brought it over to the table and cut three pieces when my dad came down the stairs.

“Carianne, where is my dinner” he demanded angrily.

“If you can’t join us for dinner then you can get it yourself” she snapped back.

“Audrina, why don’t we take our cake to our rooms” I said looking at her.

“Yeah good idea” She replied as we both headed upstairs.

Once I got to my room I pulled my computer towards me and logged in to chat with Harper when I noticed a friend request from Brooke Lyn Kader. I clicked accept as Harper popped up in chat.

Harper: Hey!

Me: Hi how are you?

Harper: I’m ok, you?

Me: Mom and dad are fighting again.

Harper: I’m sorry that’s never a good situation.

Me: Its ok. What are you up to?

Harper: Working on my project.

Me: Oh I meant to work on that but I got distracted.

Harper: Yeah it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Me: I should get started on that. Talk to you later.

Harper: Yeah… later…

I picked up my spoon and began on my cake. I was honestly surprised on how good it tasted. It got quiet downstairs after a few minutes and I turned back to my computer where I then typed in google current events in the news to look for a project topic. I clicked down a few times only to find nothing there held my interest. I glanced over at the clock to find it was only 7:30. I reached under my bed and pulled out my poetry book/diary and began writing.

Time sure doesn’t fly when you‘re bored,

Life doesn’t go on when you’re dead,

The wind doesn’t blow and the grass doesn’t grow,

So kiss it good night with the last of the light,

“Hmmmph…” I thought listlessly then read it over again and laughed. “If anyone else was to read they would all think I was emo.”

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