Chapter 14 Angsty School Day

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The dance was just a few days away, April was going to be coming home for Thanksgiving break and I was honestly looking forward to that nice break from school. After my lesbian bomb drop no one really seemed to want to talk to me other than Brooke Lyn's group. But it was weird to look over and see Harper sitting with Ivy.

"Brooke Lyn, do you ever think Harper is ever...?" I began as I picked at my lunch tray monday in the lunch room. It was the day when the school served a turkey dinner since it was the last full day of school before the break.

"If she is a true friend than yes. If not something would have drove you guys apart someday anyways so it's best to find out now." She said over her sketch from across the table.

Genie sat do with her tray just then. "Do you think Harper is going to tip her off about the dresses?" She asked in a low voice gestering towards Harper and Ivy.

"I don't know I can't imagine she herself will have time to get a new dress." Brooke Lyn said wisely.

"Wait you mean to tell me none of you have talked to her?" I asked a little surprised.

"Not at all" Brooke Lyn said pausing from her sketch to take a few bites of food.

"Me either." Genie said openning her milk.

"Wow, I mean I know I haven't looked at her since but I would think someone would have checked in with her about the dress thing." I said back.

A few minutes later the bell rang and we all went our seperate ways for class. About 20 minutes into science I get a text message from Daisy.

Is the dinner for april tonight?

She was referencing the family dinner we were having for April on her first visit home from college.

Yeah it's supposed to be a suprise it starts at 6:30.

I texted back.

"Mr. Lifeson! Alexa has her phone and was texting." Ivy screached.

"Alexa please give me that. You may have it back at the end of class." He said snatching the phone from my hand.

I saw Ivy smile at Harper at her own small victory. I could almost here it in her head Ivy: 1 Alexa: 0.

Finally the bell rang I snathed my phone off his desk I tore out the door. I could not wait for thanksgiving break.

At home mom was trying to get dinner prepared for April's arrival. Dad was off getting her. Audrina was bored sitting in her room not wanting to be home. While I was excited to finally have someone in the house I could confide in. 6 pm couldn't come fast enough.

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