Chapter 12 Pretty Shocking Project Presentation Day

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After having my seat taken the day before by Ivy's new beau I was happy to find it not occupied when I arrived today. The first round of presentations were that day and I was shocked to see Brooke Lyn Kader was the first presenter. And even more surprised when her presentation was about New York legalizing gay marriage.

She stood up there look a fierce with a rainbow poster. It was not at all what I expected from her. But if that was surprising to me I could have never expected what happened next.

"New York became the largest state to legalize gay marriage which is a big step for the gay community..." She began. When all of a sudden I hear from next to me someone burst out.

"Gay marriage is wrong!" But it wasn't Ivy no it came from the seat to my left. My best friend for as long as I could remember it way Harper Ashleigh Lamon. And I just went off.

"How could you possibly say that! I myself happen to be a lesbian!"

Harper gave me a shocked look. Brooke Lyn Kader looked horrified at the spectacle. Ms. Staley didn't seem to know what to do.

"All right class!" Ms. Staley said while the whole class of buzzing in shock about what had taken place. "Maybe presentations where a bad idea. Too many passionate ideas. Instead I want papers and whatever visual mediums you came up with delivered by the day you were supposed to present. Use the rest of this class to put together your information. No talking."

After the bell rang people were began discussing these events all over again as they headed to their next classes. I refused to look at Harper but surprisingly Brooke Lyn caught up with me.

"Wow I didn't expect any of that." She said looking genuinely surprised.

"Me either. I guess I've been in denial for a while" I said vaguely.

"So was I. I only just came out to my mom about six months ago. As for coming out in school well I guess you stole my thunder there." She laughed.

"Wait your a lesbian?" I gasped.

"Yup I was going to use that project to come out." She smiled.

"I guess i ruined that for you then?" I said softly.

"No that's okay if it was able to help you at all I'm happy." She said right as the bell rang and we ran to our different classes.

Ellen Ingram and Shara Neri were whispering about me all through math while I just wondered how to get through the awkwardness of lunch.

finally when I got there I saw our usual table vacant. Jena was sitting with her cross country teamates while Harper was nowhere to be seen in the room. I was confused about where to go until I heared a voice.

"Alexa! Come sit with us!" Brooke Lyn called.

"So your a lesbian." Layton Zeeger smirked. "Never would have guessed. I'm gay by the way."

"Are you going to be coming to our queer group? My brother could probably give you a ride if you need one." Genie said from across the table.

"You guys have a queer group?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah it's really great for support I recommend it." Brooke Lyn said kindly. "It meets two Saturdays a month. One is a formal meeting and the other is a group activity like bowling or something."

"Yeah Warren said it really helped him learn to accept himself especially being a football player." Genie said in a low voice.

"You mean Warren is..." I began before she shushed me softly.

"Our only rule is we have a open door policy of accepting anyone but it stays within the meeting no discussing meeting stuff outside of the meeting." Brooke Lyn said handing me a piece of paper with a date and time on it. "We are meeting this Saturday because next Saturday is Thanksgiving."

Just then the bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

"Do come." Genie said as we all separated.

I ran into Daisy in the hallway.

Oh no what is she going to say? I thought nervously.

"Just so you know I heard and I support you 100%. Oh and Audrina heard but she heard it from Ivy so she thinks it's just a stupid rumor she is spreading so if you need anything let me know." Daisy said honestly.

"Thanks Daisy. You know I do need something. A ride to a coffee shop on Saturday.

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