Chapter 10 Shopping Excursion

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That weekend after spending most of my Saturday working on my english project which I decided to do about global warming I was exited about the dress shopping trip with my friends. I did not exactly know who would be there since I left most of the planning up to Daisy.

Which of course meant I was surprised to find Brooke Lyn Kader was part of our shopping excursion. Along with her there was Harper, Daisy, Genie, and Parker.

Daisy's Aunt Lucinda greeted us as we walked into the store. "Welcome girls I have already separated the dresses bought by that particular group of girls. Have fun trying things on."

Brooke Lyn the natural leader she was jumped in with "Okay so the colors we have to choose from are white, black, dark blue, sky blue, pink, and red. Any preferences anyone?"

"I think I should wear the dress Ivy is wearing." Genie gigglied excitedly.

"That's the dark blue one" Daisy said handing it to her.

"Do you think it would be okay if I wore the red?" Harper asked.

"I think that would look great on you." Said Parker sizing the dress up before handing it to her.

"Parker I think the sky blue would really bring out your eyes." I said noticing the color similarities.

"I think I would like pink since I already have the shoes to match it." Daisy said picking it up.

"I think you would be able to handle the severity of the black dress better than me honestly." Brooke Lyn said handing it to me.

I quickly turned toward the dressing room before she could see me blush.

About ten minutes later we were all back out in our dresses. Genie looked extremely sophisticated in the dark blue satin dress while Harper looked like a knock out in her red one. Parker's pretty light blue off shoulder dress was perfect. Daisy looked like Malibu Barbie in her pink dress. But it was Brooke Lyn who really stood out. Her white dress hugged her perfectly in all the right places and was perfectly accented by the white rose hair accessory she found to go with it. She looked like magical snow princess or something.

A few minutes later we all made our purchases and heading over to the dairy queen kiosk for ice cream.

"So any of you girls bring dates to this thing?" Daisy asked as we all sat down.

"Yeah what about you Parker you aren't going with that soccer star exchange student kid Gregoire?" Harper asked.

"Nah he ditched me for that Russian friend of Ivy's Petra Brokov." She sighed back.

"Aww well hopefully you got her dress we all know you'll look better in it." Brooke Lyn smiled at her before continuing. "Since none of us have dates I was thinking we could all walk in together sorta of like Ivy's clan probably will."

"Good idea." Harper exclaimed

A few minutes later we all parted ways dress bags in tow still giggling over our epic plan.

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