Chapter 17 I'm Coming Out So You Better Get This Party Started

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Wow so we're like official! I thought happily after change in relationship on facebook.

Just then a comment popped up which said.

Harper Lamon: so when can i meet her? I want to know who is making my best friend so happy!

I replied with: soon maybe this weekend.

My phone rang it was Brooke Lyn.

Me: Hey!

Brooke Lyn: So you and Lince huh? How cute!

Me: Harper wants to meet her.

Brooke Lyn: I knew she would come around.

Me: Yeah why don't we have a get together this weekend with everyone there.

Brooke Lyn: That's a great idea.

Me: Great! See you tomorrow.

Brooke Lyn: Yeah try not to be late.

After hanging up I walked downstairs.

"Oh hi Alexa!" Mom said looking up.

"Mom can I talk to you?" I asked nervously.

"Yes of course." She smiled.

"Mom I'm a lesbian." I said quickly and bluntly before I lost my nerve.

"Ummm... okay. Wait this doen't have anything to do with your dad and I does it?" She asked.

"No mom don't be silly! This is about who I am and has nothing to do with that." I sighed.

"Okay. Well if you need to talk I'm here." She smiled.

"Wow that went better than I thought it would." I smiled back.

I heard my dad enter the house.

"Hey dad I'm a lesbian!" I yelled honestly not caring what he thought.

"What?" He gasped.

"Yup..." I smirked as I stalked past. "I'm going to go call my girlfriend." I added as his face reddened.

This is the end for now. Alexa's story continues in The End Is Where We Start From.

Pure Ordinary Confusion: A Story of Finding YourselfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora