Training Gone Wrong

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Gili and Darravalgareovean were walking to the training arena to practice. Gili was pretty athletic and he worked with knives a lot for carving, he'd even tried out fencing one time. But he knew he was no good in an actual fight, so he'd gone to the only other otherworlder guy, which happened to also be an elf. The High Elf always seemed really chill to Gili, he figured Darravalgareovean would be the most competent teacher and the most patient.

Anyone who was over 400 (?) probably had a lot of life experience and patience. So he'd found the high elf picking out weapons made of more of the bronze stuff everyone else seemed to be wielding. He'd passed Abby and Katie on the way there so he figured they'd pointed him in the direction of the weapons as well. The high elf had been complaining about there not being a scimitar, eventually he picked a sword, which was really more of a long knife.

Darravalgareovean agreed to teach him and then they began to walk towards the training arena, Gili doing most if not all of the talking. When they'd finally gotten there they found Percy and... was it Sati? They had clearly been sparing, Percy was looking confused and worriedly at Sati who was kneeling on the ground. She was breathing heavily and slightly shaking, fists clenched in the dirt. Gili recognized it as probably something in her mind. He rushed over to her and Percy, "Don't touch her yet, it might make it worse."

He knelt in front of the girl, "Hi Sati, it's Gili. Can you respond? Just shaking or nodding your head will work." He coaxed calmly.

"I-is he okay?" Sati murmured.

"Percy? He's just fine. I'm more worried about you, alright?" He lowered himself to sitting on the floor, "Can you take a few deep breaths for me? Breathe in, hold, breathe out." He repeated a couple times before holding his hand out, "Alright, good job. If you'd like contact you can take my hand and I'll help you up if you'd like it as well." Gili said slowly and calmly.

Sati breathed like Gili instructed her too and slowly stood up. "Thanks. I'm sorry, I thought I had that more under control. I'll be fine." her voice shook slightly. She looked over at Percy to ascertain that he was truly unharmed before walking over to pick her sword out of the dirt.

Gili figured she probably wasn't as fine as she said, but there wasn't much he could do if she didn't want his help, "If you're still feeling a little shaky some water might help." Darravalgareovean then stood up out of the corner of Gili's vision. It startled him, when had the elf gotten there? Oh well. It was a sweet show of empathy on the elf's part, he had been sitting right by Sati before she'd stood up. He still watched her out of the corner of his eye, a little bit of a worried expression on his face.

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