Wedding Date

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Today is some wedding of Vinnie's friend and I'm in no mood to go.
Our little tiger won't let me sleep at night, because I don't want Vinnie's sleep to get disturbed. Also I have no clue who that friend is and from where she spawned from all of the sudden.

I'm currently sitting in the car waiting for my wife to come out.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting.", Vinnie kissed my cheek and I smile.

"It's okay, now what's the address?", I ask.

"The Crystal Palais, it's somewhere here nearby."

I start the engine and then...

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!", Vinnie shrieked and it was so loud and unexpected the car jerked badly.

"What happened?"

"Suru! I forgot their gift can you get it?"

I sigh and quickly rush into the house to get the gift, I haven't even sat my ass down the seat and Vinnie tells me: "Suru! I forgot the baby."

"What do you mean you forgot him?!", I ask outraged.

She forgot my baby? What the hell? She forgot my BABY!!

I quickly run back inside, totally perplexed at what my wife just told me. How on earth can she forget our son? My poor tiger.
What scares me the most is how I can't find him in our house. WHERE IS HE?

I ran upstairs, downstairs, into the basement, into the attic, back and forth until I eventually hear a soft giggle, from the living room.

Then I finally saw my little boy, he looked so handsome in his little baby suit. I picked him up and gave him a few kisses, before I took him back out to the car.

I waited a minute after buckling him up and when I opened my door. Vinnie looked at me wondering why I'm not taking a seat.

"What's wrong?", she asks.

"Are you 100% sure you haven't forgotten anything now?", I ask her in an annoyed tone.

She shook her head for a no. I finally sit down and we finally drove off.


Not. Again.

"Vinnie no, I literally don't care anymore what you have forgotten, we have our munchkin, the gift, ourselves our car and I double checked, if the windows and door was locked or not, and yes it was. No one will rob our house.", I said whilst driving.

I notice that Vinnie is trying sot speak but I tell her that, I don't want to hear anything. I'm too annoyed right now.


We finally reached the destination, but I notice that the exterior of the house looks plain...
No dangling fairy lights, no balconies decorated with marigolds. I look at Vinnie and she seems very anxious.

"I was trying to tell you that, I the wedding is next month..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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