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"Winnie? Is that you?", Jackie Tyler's voice sounded through the flat when the front door opened.

"Yah, Mum. Just wanted to put my bag down and change before work", Winifred Tyler, one of her two daughters, shouted back, already shedding her bag, shoes, jacket and shirt.

"Oh, would you be a dear and pass by Rose before going? She should be off within the hour and she forgot her keys. I'm not sure I'll be there when she gets here."

"Sure, Mum", she replied, in an even bigger hurry now. She threw her long blonde hair into a ponytail, switched into all black, comfortable clothes and picked up the considerably lighter bag she took to work. She took her sister's and her own keys out of the dish by the front door and looked into the living room quickly to say "Bye, Mum", before rushing out the door.

She speed walked to Hendrick's department store and arrived just as Rose was heading for the main doors. She walked in and dangled the keys in front of Rose's face.

"Oh, Fred, you're the best. I gotta take the lottery money down, though, come on", Rose pulled Winifred to the lifts to go down to the basement where she started calling for the Chief Electrician, "Wilson? Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson, are you there?"

Winnie looked around as her sister called about. It was eery down here, to say the least. There were dummies everywhere, the pipes and cables ran uncovered and with the minimal lighting and maximal dirt it looked like somewhere a kidnapper might take her.

"Just knock on the door, Rosie", she told her twin.

Rose walked up to the door with the electric shock sign which was also the office of H P Wilson, CEO, according to the sign, and knocked on it, "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop and I've got my sister. Wilson! Oh, come on."

"It does not feel right that I'm allowed here."

"You're not."


Before the sisters could get into an argument about Rose's morale there was a clattering noise down the corridor. They looked at each other and then Rose called out again, "Hello?"

"This is how horror movies start, Rosie", Winnie told her and took her hand worriedly.

Rose rolled her eyes but didn't seem any less scared, "Hello, Wilson, it's Rose", she pulled her sister along towards the noise, slowly, "Hello? Wilson?"

She opened a door, store room apparently, where boxes of clothes and more dummies stood around, "Wilson? Wilson!"

They walked further into the room and Winnie was about to protest when her worries were confirmed and the door slammed shut behind them. She let go of Rose's hand to try to open it but it wouldn't budge, "Tell me you have a key for this, Rosie."

Rose looked at her with wide eyes full of worry and banged against the door, "Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?"

Winnie turned away from the door and let out a loud scream as one dummy was now very close to them, looking her directly in the face, "What the fuck?"

Rose turned around and tried to play it cool, "Yeah, you got us. Very funny."

"Rosie, this isn't a prank anymore."

"What else is it gonna be?", she hissed before turning back to the dummies, "Right, we've got the joke. Who's idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?"

All the dummies in the room now moved to back them up against a wall. The very first one raised its arm, ready to hit Winnie. She squeezed her eyes shut and grabbed her sister's hand tightly. Then, before the dummy could hit, her other wrist was in somebody's grasp causing her to jump slightly and turn to that side.

Winnie Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now