Chapter 3

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

When I left Freya's shop I started thinking about what she said about the house. I don't think that she has ever had anyone offer her help before. I have to do some research about her family.

When I got home I went to my office and went through the database searching for her but nothing was coming up. Maybe her past was really bad. I think I need to talk to her about everything. I really love her as my mate. I just have to figure out a way to get her to open up or to trust me enough. I finished doing paperwork for the pack and the construction business. That night I went to bed with Freya on my mind.

Freya's P.O.V.

After I got home from the shop. I fed Isis and made leftovers in the microwave. After dinner I got some work done on the staircase. I thought to myself this house is going to take forever to get the place to where it needs to be. I went to bed not sure where my life is going at this point in time.

The next morning I woke up and hopped in the shower to get ready to start my day. While I was in the shower I had a strange feeling that today is going to be busy and that something is going to happen. Normally when I get these feelings they are always right. After getting dressed I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I fed Isis and made a cup of tea for myself. I sat down at the dining room table to drink my tea and mix some oils up for the shop. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Who the hell was knocking on my door at this time in the morning? I got up from the dining room table to answer the door. As far as I know nobody knows where I lived. All I told Lachlan was that I lived outside of town, something felt off. I opened up the door to see Lachlan. Lachlan said "Good morning lass." I said "Good morning, come in." So Lachlan and I walked into the dinning room. I asked, "Would you like a cup of tea? It's my special blend." Lachlan said "sure" I went into the kitchen to the stove and made him a cup of tea. I took the cup back into the dinning room to the table and set the cup down. We sat at the table and I finished the oil that I was mixing. Lachlan said "This is a beautiful home." I said "it's nice but it needs a lot of work done and I work on it when I can. But with my store and all of the work I have to keep it stocked. I haven't had much time to work on the house." Lachlan said "that's what I wanted to stop by this morning. I wanted to let you know that I am going to have someone from my team come over sometime today to inspect the house to see what needs to be done on both the inside and outside of the house." I said "that's awfully kind of you. Today is supposed to be my day off, but I'm working on soaps and oils. Then I was going to work on my bedroom. It needs some work done. I could give you a small list of some of the things that I know of that need to be done on the inside." Lachlan said "that would help lass." I said "The only thing that I ask would be to make sure that my door stays shut so that my cat Isis doesn't get out or if you have to put her in my bedroom. Lachlan said "you have my word that nothing will happen to Isis. I said "thank you." Lachlan was really interesting, my wolf was going crazy in my head but I still didn't trust him. As the day went on I was making soaps and mixing oils and around noon there was a knock on the door. Lachlan got up and answered the door. When he came back in he had another guy with him and he was well built. Lachlan said "Freya this is my inspector Jamie, so would you mind showing us the inside so that we can get an idea of what needs to be done so that it's not all on you." I said "nice to meet you Jamie." I showed them around the inside of the house saying "the staircase needs some repairs, the painting needs to be done, the plumbing and ceiling needs some of the repairs.

Lachlan's P.O.V.

Freya showed us around her home. I noticed that it was more runned down than I originally thought. We stopped at her bedroom on the second floor of the house. She paused and slowly opened her door. I was surprised how much that needed to be done so Jamie wrote everything that needed to be done. The list contained

Staircase repairs

Plumbing leaks

Floor replacements

All kinds of repairs to her bedroom that list is on its own

Fireplace bricks

Everything outside needs to be fixed.

After the list was made Jamie left. Freya seemed like she was a little off. We went back to the dining room and Freya went into the kitchen and started cleaning up her kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and walked up behind her. I put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped. I said "it's alright lass." She turned around and said "This house is falling apart. I can't ask you to do all of the work for nothing." Lachlan said "Lass I offered to help you with the house. Winters are rough here in the highlands and I am not going to let the house fall apart around you." Freya was speechless. She turned to me and said "I appreciate it but it's not necessary. I have been through worse as long as I have blankets and the fireplace working I will be fine. Besides, I have nowhere else to go. This is my home and I intend to make the best of it." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sure as hell will not let my mate freeze to death in the winter. I said "Lass I think I need to tell you something. But I'm not sure how you will take it. Lass I don't know what you have been through but my family are werewolves or wolf shifters and I am the Alpha or leader of the local clan here and you are my mate. I have known since I first walked into your shop." She just stared at me not knowing what to say.

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