Chapter 7

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Lachlans P.o.v.

When Freya went upstairs to grab the pillow Jamie said "We need her to approve the plans for the inside of the house sir." I said "She needs to rest Jamie. I will help with the designs for the house. I want this house to feel like home to her." I saw Freya come back down the stairs with a pillow and a blanket. She went into the living room and laid down on the couch. The next thing that I knew was that she was fast asleep. She needed the rest yesterday took a lot out of her and the nightmares have been taking a toll on her too. Jamie said "She is a great person sir; she must be strong." I said "she is the strongest person that I have ever known, she just needs someone to lean on." I walked into the living room where she was sleeping peacefully on the couch. I gently pulled the blanket over her. Jamie and I went back into the dining room to work on the plans for the house for the next few hours. We were working on the blueprints when I started to sense fear. Then I started to hear whimpering coming from the living room. I ran into the living room Freya was tossing and turning with a nightmare. I gently touched her and she jumped. I sat down on the couch near her and pulled her into my chest. I just held her. I said "shhhhh you are safe sweetheart, nobody is going to hurt you anymore." She just started sobbing in my arms and I just held her until she calmed down.

Freya's P.O.V.

The nightmare shook me to the core. I felt like I was back in the dungeon in my old pack. When Lachlan pulled me into his embrace I felt safe for the first time in years. To me it seemed like I slept a little better with him near. Lachlan said "shhhhh you are safe sweetheart, nobody is going to hurt you anymore." I started sobbing, when I calmed down I sat up. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I said "I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Lachlan said "There is nothing to be sorry about. What you went through was not your fault. You are the strongest person that I have ever met. You are stronger because of what you have been through." I nodded. Lachlan said "why don't you take the day off and I can see if I can get my mom to help out in the store for a while so you can get some rest." I said "I've been meaning to get some help in the store so that I could take a day off here and there." I didn't realize that Jamie was standing in the doorway until he said "Lachlan if you want I can see if I can get my mate Bridget can help out too. I know that she has been dying to go into the shop." Lachlan turned to me and asked "what do you think lass?" I said "sure that would be fine, I would have to see what I can pay her if she does help out in the shop." Jamie said "Thanks Freya, she will be happy just to come into the shop." Jamie went back into the dinning room to finish looking at whatever they were doing before. Lachlan said "why don't you go take a shower and when you come back down I will have some tea ready for you. I nodded and got up off of the couch. I went upstairs to the bedroom to grab some clothes. I went into the ensuite bathroom.

While I was in the shower I thought about how lucky I was to have Lachlan as a mate. I know we don't know each other very well and maybe I am the one to blame for that. After the shower I put on some pajama pants and a long sleeve nightshirt. I walked down the stairs. I noticed that Jamie must have left to go draw up some of the designs. Lachlan was in the kitchen pouring me a cup of tea. I walked towards the kitchen. Lachlan must have sensed me. Lachlan said "why don't we go out on the deck and relax." I said, "I haven't fixed it." Lachlan said " I fixed it the other day." We walked out the back door onto a newly designed deck. I said "It looks amazing better than anything that I could have designed myself." He had put in all new furniture on the deck along with a new fireplace. We sat down on one of the wicker couches on the deck. When Lachan asked "why do you cover up your body?" I said "I'm covered in scars that remind me of my past and I am ashamed of my body."

Lachlan's P.O.V.

When Freya and I sat down on the deck. I handed her a cup of tea. We sat there admiring the view. I asked "Why do you cover up your body?" She looked down and said "I'm covered in scars that remind me of my past and I am ashamed of my body." I thought to myself how could she be ashamed of her body. She is beautiful and strong. I said "I think you are beautiful just the way you are." she said "If you saw them you would probably reject me." I said "Honey I would never reject you just because of your scars. They have made you into a stronger person." Everything that I said was true. She smiled and said "Nobody has ever said that to me" I said " you should be treated like the best thing in the world. I'm here no matter what happens." She looked out towards the mountains deep in thought. She said "I wanted to let you know that I slept a little better knowing that you were around." I smiled and said "I'm glad to hear that lass. Would you go out with me on a normal date and let me show you how a mate is supposed to treat you.?"

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