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Enduring the pain, it took ten full days before I felt my bones knit slightly.

Another five days passed before I could barely sit up.

The last autumn leaf drifted into the grand hall, falling onto my chest. I picked it up, trembling, holding it against the blue sky outside the hall, silently observing.

Its yellowed veins, like the dry cracks of the Yellow River.

Three more days later, as the sun was setting, I finally gathered enough strength to stand.

I struggled up, took my sword, and approached my Master.

Sensing something, he pointed at my nose and cursed:

"Do you think, among all the immortal mountains, this is the only one?!

"Do you think, only we in Penglai crave power and seek to rise above the masses?!

"Do you think, this rigid system of cultivation – Foundation Building, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, and so on – only emerged in this era?!

"Do you think... they are the only species?

"What can you use to reverse the heavens and earth decreed by fate?!

"Moreover, your eyes, your eyes... Hahaha... Do you want to know the truth?

"The endless pursuits and blockades once you leave the mountain, and moreover—"

He spat out the cruelest curse:

"Do you truly naively believe that you, with such power, won't become... the next... us?"

"No need for concern, Master." I crouched down, calmly saying, "If I encounter cultivators in the future, I'll first persuade them to turn back. Those who can't be persuaded, if I meet one, I'll kill one; if I meet a pair, I'll kill both. I won't live forever. After my death, the methods to identify and subdue these worms will be passed down.

"From now on, for generations. With thousands of immortal mountains and billions of mortals, there's no need to fear.

"And I... will never become one of them."

I beheaded him with a single sword strike, took a swig of strong liquor, and set fire to this millennia-old immortal mountain.

With the roaring inferno behind me, I walked away, head held high.

I laughed heartily amidst the flames.

I never looked back.


Slaying the Divine, Ascending the PathWhere stories live. Discover now