Quidditch Match ⟪B.Z.⟫ -Part 1-

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*You and Blaise have been together for almost a year now*

You sat in the hospital wing sick with pneumonia from being out in the cold, wet snow for too long. Blaise sat in the chair next to you, worried. He was concerned about your health and studies just as you were.

"Blaise, don't you have a quidditch match in a week?" You asked with a weak voice.

"Yes, but I'm more worried about you, fireball. I need you to get better."

"I know, Blaise. But it can take up to a month before I start to feel better."

"A month! You can't miss that much of your studies, Y/n. You'll fall behind." He says, standing up. He paces back and forth beside your bed.

"Blaise, I'll be okay. The professors have been informed and are gathering materials for me to study here. I promise I won't fall behind. But this means I can't attend your match. I'm sorry, Blaise."

"I don't care about the stupid match. It can rot for all I care. You're my top priority right now."

"Blaise, please sit down. You're starting to stress me out." He immediately sits back down with a sigh.

"Sorry, Y/n. I'm just worried about your health, is all."

"I know, Blaise. I'm not going to die. It just takes time to heal from something like this." Blaise nods his head while holding your hand.

You quickly sit up as you begin to cough up blood. Blaise called for Madam Pomfrey, who escorts Blaise out of the room before attending to you. She gave you medicine and informed you not to talk and to sleep as much as possible. She also explained that no one would be allowed to visit for the next ten days until you began to get better.

You sighed with watery eyes, knowing Blaise wouldn't take the news well. And you were right. Blaise punched the wall when he was told he couldn't visit you until you got better. He was furious with himself for taking you on an ice-skating date when you already weren't feeling the greatest. He blamed himself for your decrease in health.

It was now a week later and the day of the quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor, but Blaise couldn't even think about the match. Madam Pomfrey still refused to let him see you or give any information on your condition other than you needed to rest.

Blaise was seated at the Slytherin table as he pushed his food around with his fork. He had barely eaten in the last week due to his worry and stress about you.

"Come on, Blaise. Y/n would want you to eat." Pansy says as she sits next to him.

"What's the point?" He asked with saddened eyes.

"Well, I was told that Y/n was eating bigger food portions again. So that must mean she's feeling better." Blaise looked up at Pansy's words with a small smile and hope in his eyes.

"What else did Madam Pomfrey say?" He asked with concern.

"That she might allow visitor tomorrow if she continues to do well through the night. So, you better eat up, so Y/n doesn't get mad that you haven't been eating." Blaise nods as he begins to pile more food on his plate to eat. He was excited and ready for his match now. He wanted to win and score as many goals as he could so he could tell you how well he did. He wanted to hear how proud you were of him and his success as a chaser like always.

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