The Mainframe

18 2 2

Entry #3

The Mainframe is a void where the concept of time and space are null. This allows people on the verge of death to  barely cling to life if transferred there in time.

However, like all things, there are always downsides. It is impossible to recover while in the mainframe. Try as you might, healing items and spells will not work. In fact, no attack/item works in the Mainframe. 

Within this void, scattered lines of broken code float aimlessly, their digital forms glitching and distorting as if struggling to maintain coherence. Some lines appear fragmented, with sections missing or corrupted, while others flicker in and out of existence like ghostly apparitions.

Occasionally, sparks of light illuminate the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the broken code. These sparks seem to originate from nowhere, appearing and disappearing in rapid succession as if driven by some unseen force. The overall effect is one of surreal chaos, a digital landscape teetering on the brink of collapse.

Despite the apparent disorder, there is a strange beauty to the scene, a reminder of the inherent creativity and resilience of the digital realm. It is a place where glitches and anomalies reign supreme, where the boundaries between reality and virtuality blur and shift with each passing moment.

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