The Executioner

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This lore is specifically for 'A Decaying World'. This lore will have NOTHING to do with our OC story. The DW fanfic is something I felt like making for fun because I could. 

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Let's go. (Hotel? Trivago.)


The Executioner's origins: They were a mercenary that was from new Earth that was hired by the agency. Before joining the agency, they lived off of money gained from the bounties collected from eliminating those who have committed crimes that are deemed punishable by the common public. Their goggles were a modified version of one they found from killing a higher up in the Sovereign's Cult. The reason their goggles can detect and see the crimes of the scavengers of Eden-227 is because they modified their goggles and downloaded information of the Agency's servers. 

The scavengers were criminals sent by the Agency to Eden-227 as a sort of "lab rat" but when they dispatched their agents, they began forming their own groups on Eden which is why we need to go there and shoot them down. The agents they sent were confirmed by Red(Dev) to be Yosef and Sledge Queen for example. 

Hence that's why Executioner can determine that Yosef and Sledge Queen are traitors and enables a Executioner to claim their bounties. For the gaining more melee damage per kill, I think its the strive to collect more bounties that pushes a Executioner user to kill more and to claim more bounties.

Warning: Do not take them lightly. They will kill you the second you step out of line. They are loyal to a fault. 

Weapons that are used by the Executioner include: 

The Artisan's Hook


Primary Ability: 100% Mastery - Pyrokinesis

They have achieved maximum efficiency with their skill of using fire in combat. The Executioner coats their weapon in a fiery aura that will spread across enemies. 

Secondary Ability: 100% Mastery - Copy

The Executioner is able to copy the fighting style of anybody. This is how they are so proficient with spears, longswords, blunt and sharp weapons. They are also capable of copying another's ability. This is extremely dangerous as if they encounter Monotone, we will have another paranormal issue to deal with. COPY IS PERMANENT. 

Copied Ability: Minor Mastery

Jade: Shadow Cloaking and Fire Manipulation

Monotone: Weapon Creation and Warping

Vortex: Bind

Mayhem and Insanity: Energy Weapon Generation and Energy blasts

???: Fear, Hatred, Destruction, Ruin


And cut!

That didn't take too long luckily, just 400 words. 



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