William:only a dream my ass

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The ringing continues as I open my eyes to see my curtains ripped open and the light shining bright.

For a moment I stay frozen trying to comprehend what was going on but before I could a familiar sounding voice speaks waking me up.

"William it's already 6:45 you need to get ready or your going to be late"
"School can wait" i sigh, slam my head into my mattress, and shove my pillow over my head so I could go back to sleep.

"Mr. Crosst I am sure school can wait but I am sure your father would not like to wait" reply's the girl-Mary-
Silents covers the room as the words crash over me as I realise what she said, I jump up, looking at her had a slight smile but also a surprised expression on her face.

"My father is here?"
"Yes and he is waiting for you" she raises her eyebrows.
I jump out of bed and rush around my room shoving my pyjamas off and putting on my school clothes.

As I do so Mary begins to make my bed and clean up.
"Where the fuck is it?" I yell pulling everything apart around my room.
"You looking for this?" Mary says holding up my blue, white and red tie in here hand.

"Yes, thank you" I say taking it from her and immediately trying to tie it up in the mirror.
"Here let me help" Mary sighs and turns me around and fiddles with my tie for a moment "there you go" she says, I turn around losing the tie so I could breath.
I look in the mirror to see her with a big smile on her face that turned into a single tear drip down. I turn around to face her.

"Hey what's wrong?"I place my hands on her shoulder.
"Nothing it's just your all grown up" she sniffs in between words, I smile at her, she smiles back "your mother would be so proud of the person you have became, she loved you with all of her heart and I know that she is looking down on you so proud"
"Haha thank you, but I wish my dad was proud too" I look at the ground and my untied shoes laces.

"Hey he is, and he loves you he just shows it in his own way" she says lifting my chin up.
"Yeah, he shows he loves me by hitting me" I laugh under my breath remembering all of the times me punched me so hard that thick blood would roll down my chin." Anyway I should go and see what he wants right?" I say leaving her standing there.

Hello my name is disappointment Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ