Chapter 2: A new threat rises again & an unexpected shocking family reunion?!

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A few minutes later, both Flare, Ali and Fluffy arrive at the Eeveelution Squad Treehouse.

Flare: U ready Fluffy to meet everyone?
Fluffy: Yup! I'm ready as i'll ever be Mister Flare.
Flare: Alright! Let's head in!

Flare walks up to the door and knocks on the front door of the treehouse. A few moments later, Pearl answers the door and greets them happily as she see them.

Pearl the Espeon: Hey Flare! Hey Ali! Oh? Who's this little one with u two?
Flare: This is Fluffy! My friend who was in my subconscious but now has been reborn! I brought her here to meet everyone.
Pearl: Really? Well, great to meet u Fluffy! I'm Pearl!
Fluffy: The pleasure is all mine! It's great to meet u Miss Pearl.
Pearl: Wow! Ain't she a well mannered Eevee!
Fluffy: Aw, thank u Miss Pearl! I do try my very best to have good manners.
Pearl: Well, keep it up because u are doing an excellent job! Please come in, come in! Make yourself at home Fluffy!
Fluffy: Thank u so much!

Fluffy, Flare and Ali enter the house and everyone notices Fluffy as they walk in the front door.

Speed the Jolteon: Wait? Bro? Is that?
Crystal the Vaporeon: U know who that is big bro?! Flare, u know him too? How do u know her?
Black the Umbreon: I feel like it will be answered soon enough Kris.
Silvia the Sylveon: Aw! Now, ain't she a cutie pie! Who is this lil cutie Flare?
Flare: Everyone? I'd like u all to meet my friend Fluffy! The one who I used to communicate with in my subconscious in my mind but now has been reborn all thanks to Solar and Albert's plan working as they said it would.
Speed: I KNEW IT! I fricking knew it! I knew it was Fluffy this whole time bro!!
Crystal: Hi! Pleasure to meet u Fluffy! Names Crystal!
Speed: Same! I'm Speed if u remember me from before?
Lazuli the Glaceon: I'm Lazuli! Speed's girlfriend and this is my little sister Leafy!
Leafy the Leafeon: Hi there! It's really nice to meet u Fluffy!
Silvia: Hi there! I'm Silvia! Speed's second girlfriend!
Black: Black! Pleasure!
Axel: I'm Axel the Shiny Eevee!
Sunshine: I'm Sunshine the Eevee!
Fluffy: Pleasure to meet u all! The pleasure is all mine everyone!

Another knock is heard from the front door as Pearl walks to the door and answers it.

Pearl: Hm? Who could that be I wonder?

Pearl opens the door and it was her Aunt and Uncle Rin and Bolt at the door!

Rin the Shiny Vaporeon: Hey Pearl!
Bolt the Shiny Jolteon: Hey there!
Pearl: OH MY GOSH! Aunt Rin! Uncle Bolt!! It's so great to see u! What are u doing here?!
Mrs. Mollie the Flareon: They ain't the only ones here u know? I'm here too.
Speed: Oh my god Mom?! Ur here!!

Speed hugs his mother happily as they all walk into the treehouse.

Flare: Mom! (Hugs her)
Crystal: Mother!! (Hugs her as well)
Mrs. Mollie (Speed, Crystal & Flare's biological mother): (hugs back) It's so nice to see my kids again! I missed u all!
Sunshine: Grandma!!
Mrs. Mollie: Hey there my dear! How are u doing? Give ur grandma a big hug won't u?
Sunshine: Aye! I'm doing ok! (Hugs her grandma happily)
Pearl: So, what brings u all here in our humble treehouse?
Mrs. Mollie: Well, I'm hoping it's not too much trouble but, I thought about it and talked to Rin and Bolt and I decided....

Mrs. Mollie brings in her bags into the kitchen full of her belongings inside her bags and suitcases.

Mrs. Mollie: move in with u all! So I can be closer and bond with my kids! Hope it's not too much of a burden Miss. Pearl.
Pearl: Oh, not at all Mrs. Mollie! Make yourself at home! Our home is ur home! We have plenty of rooms here in the treehouse for u to live in! Want me to show u ur new bedroom Mrs. Mollie?
Mrs. Mollie: It's not necessarily needed but since u offered, I'd love that Miss. Pearl!
Pearl: Ok! Please, call me Pearl and just Pearl if u don't mind?
Mrs. Mollie: Of course Pearl!
Pearl: Alright! Follow me to ur new bedroom Mrs. Mollie! Follow me upstairs!
Mrs. Mollie: Ok!

Eeveelution Squad: A New Beginning and a New Threat?Where stories live. Discover now