Chapter 6: Shade's Masterplan!

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Frost (Me) A/N: This video is for the beginning of this chapter. Hope u all enjoy it!! It depicts what happened to Speed, Flare and Black in the past in the video. Hope u like it!! If it cuts off it's the end of the song so don't mind it and keep on reading if that is the case because this chapter is a little long and it's longer than the actual music video itself I think so just wanted to let u all know that. In case the video doesn't work, let me know so I can fix the issue with it OK? Hope u enjoy the song and please let me know in the comments if u liked it and what u think of it OK? Now, off to the chapter! Enjoy!!

Shade thinks up his evil scheme to rule everything all over again, as he plots his Masterplan against the Eeveelution Squad crew.

Shade: I got a Masterplan brewing! I will kill innocent lives and use that power to regain my Berserk power strength and use that to open a breach and breach into the Memory path with Berserk Pokémon in tow and command them to takeover the memory path and the entire Multiverse! If the Eeveelution Squad crew get in my way especially Speed, Trace, Ali, or Flare, I will kill them all! Speed is alive somehow and I think it's cause of what's left of his healing factor thus I wasn't to surprised by that but now Silvia is dead! Speed won't stop me from ruling EVERYTHING! I noticed Frost is alive too! If I see him, I'll kill him like he was almost a year ago! U can't cheat death! Frost will die again cudos to me!! Hahaha hahaha!! Now then, in terms of Spade! I will personally kill him and his sister!! No one will survive me this time around! I am unstoppable!! The darkest side of me made me the animal I have become, now no one will and can stop me!!

Meanwhile, backs the Eeveelution Squad Treehouse.

Frost: I'm gonna go for a walk to cool off after what happened to Silvia....
Spade and Sky Dawndusk: Yeah, we will go too actually. We need some fresh air right about now....
Frost: See u all later everyone!
Spade and Sky Dawndusk: See ya all soon!

They all leave the treehouse and they go separate ways for Frost and for Spade and Sky. Spade and Sky went into the forest at the displeasure of her brother Spade of course while Frost walked down the path while also being sorta visualent of Shade Omniverse's whereabouts.

Frost: Honestly, I'm keeping my eye out for Shade but what's the odds of him being here at the scene of the crime and death of both Speed at the time and Silvia's deadly and fatal attack? Hm, I got nothing to worry about! Absolutely nothing to worry about at.... (fallen tree branch breaks behind him).... all?

Frost looks around and sees no one around him.

Frost: Hm, must be nothing. Must be hearing things.
Shade: Oh! U wish it was. It's not Frost!

Frost hears paw steps and looks behind him.

Frost: Who's there?! I'm not afraid of u!! Come out whoever u are!
Shade: Glady! (Comes out of hiding)
Frost: U son of a bitch! Shade! U will pay for what u done to us!
Shade: Oh trust me, u should be worried about yourself right now Frost.

Shade without hesitation, attacks Frost relantlessly and viciously.

Shade: U should be DEAD Frost! U cheated death!
Frost: Looks who's talking Mr. Cheats Death Shade Omniverse Himself! U did it to bitch so I wouldn't be talk..... Agh!!
Shade: Shut the fuck up Frost!! U will die today to fix this timeline and put it back to the way it was! Which was with u DEAD!!

Shade continued his attack on Frost, after bout 2 minutes later, Frost is badly wounded and Shade prepares his final fatal blow to Frost.

Shade: U are done now Frost! Prepare to DIE!! ANY LAST WORDS FROST?!
Frost: (coughs) Yes actually.....! MY...... BROTHER..... WILL.... KILL...U...FOR..(Coughs again)...THIS.....
Shade: Yeah, u wish! It's been fun knowing ya! Actually, no it's not! Hahaha hahaha! GOODBYE FROST THE GLACEON!!

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