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exploring abandoned places with my friends. I come from Western Europe. We lived in a bad housing estate where we could hear bottles breaking at night. I heard from a friend that someone killed someone with a bottle in the building next to mine. A few months later, my friends and I had a phase for Urbex. We gathered a team to discover the secrets of the basements under the block and I suggested that my 19-year-old brother come with us. He refused and said it was childish. We gathered at 6 p.m. and went to my block where there was nothing interesting. around 8 p.m. we approached the last block. We hoped that we would find something interesting there. We didn't find anything until we reached the last basement, where a strange smell was coming from. it belonged to a deceased neighbor who died of cancer and no one had visited there since his death. We don't even know if he had a family. Jacob opened the door and fainted. The rest felt a terrible odor and we jumped away from the door. We tried to go there again and what I saw there still haunts me to this day. There were 6 bodies of dead people in the room, arranged in a circle. Each of these people had something cut out. One had no head, the other had no hands. Each of us vomited and then we started screaming. Suddenly we saw the shadow of a mysterious man who shouted to us, "Run away, kids," we ran away without a second thought. After we escaped to the nearby playground, Micheal noticed that Jacob was not with us. Me and Michael went back for Jacob, but what I saw was more terrifying than what I saw in the room. I noticed the man I had seen before. After a while, another one came from the room. it was my brother who came with pruning shears in his hand and Jacob whom he was holding by his shirt with the other hand. They threw Jacob and he woke up. One of them held him down and my brother cut off his hand. Jacob let out a scream that I will never forget and Michael and I screamed in frustration and my brother noticed us. He walked towards us calmly and we looked at him. We didn't even have the strength to run away. He said, "Leave what you saw to yourself, otherwise you will lose your limbs. I, Jacob, am letting you go only because you are my brother and you are the second witness, normally I would have no mercy for you." we ran away and approached our other friends and told them that Jacob wasn't there and the basement couldn't be opened, he must have escaped. Everyone went out of their way. A few days later, my brother announced to me and my parents that he would go to Germany for a better job. I haven't seen him for 9 years. I'm 24 now and he's 28. Sometimes they send postcards or write text messages. No one still knows what happened there and Jacob was considered kidnapped. Recently, my brother wrote me a text message saying: "Today marks 9 years since I left for Germany, I hope no one knows."

Author: Aldi-abha

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