Trust your gut.

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Hello, I am a 21 year old female and to start this story off I’m going to have to give some random context, so bare with me.

I love cars and I just so happened to get this really cute, light yellow Mitsubishi Lancer. It was a stick shift and I had so much fun driving it around.
As much as I loved this car, I needed to sell it due to mechanical issues. And I was going to sell it this same night as this story takes place. I ALWAYS have my dash cam in my cars but I took it out this very same morning to sell it that night.

Some more context, I’m a very anxious person. I also take note of everything around me all the time. I think I was kinda raised that way thanks to my mom. But I’ve also just become more anxious in general.

So starting the story, I was driving with my boyfriend to go get some milkshakes at McDonald’s. I’m driving the bright yellow car. We got our milkshakes and now we are heading to my boyfriend’s house. Mind you this whole drive should have been 5 minutes tops.

I’m pulling into my boyfriend’s driveway and I notice this car behind me kind of acting strange. I’m not sure what I remember being strange, it was more of a gut feeling. So I stop at the top of the drive way, back the car up and turn immediately back out of the driveway just to see what would happen.
Well, they pulled back out right behind me again. Going in the opposite direction we came. And I’m still driving just thinking I’m going crazy. So I tell myself to take three right hand turns. I do that and whoever it is follows everything I do.

But after I did the first turn, I called 911. And this happened around 7:00pm, so it was dark out. And as soon as this guy knows I know he’s following me, he sticks his high beams on. I’m freaking out, trying to remember everything I was supposed to do. This person ends up driving on the others side of the road, crossing a double yellow line, just to try and get in front of my car and stop me.

We are in a 25mph zone also and I had to have been going 45mph to try and get away. This person was not letting me go. They’d stop in front of my car and then proceed to get out of their car and run towards me.

Now, I’ve listened to these stories enough to know, I was NOT going to find out what his intentions were.
It got to the point where I was thinking he was going to ram his car into mine but I think at that time he saw my boyfriend sitting next to me or had a change of heart, I don’t know. I’m not sure, but he stops his car and waves his hands in the air indicating something like, “I’m done”. He then backs up his car and leaves the same way we came.

I also should add my goal was to go to my local sheriff’s office but this guy kept throwing me off course and the dispatcher said no cops were at the station. I wish I could say I found the dispatcher more helpful, but in reality she was stressing me out asking what street’s I was turning on too (don’t get me wrong that makes sense and I’m not upset at that part).

It’s the part where after the whole situation was done she just told me to go to a public parking lot… like I’m sorry. I’m driving a very VERY recognizable car right now it doesn’t matter where I go. Someone could easily find me again. Feeling like I had no help, stuck in this bright yellow death trap,I went into a full fledged panic attack. I’ve never felt so terrified in my life.

I think I just wish I got more help. I wasn’t offered to have someone sent to me after the situation. And even when the chase was happening she never dispatched anyone to or near me.
I’m also kicking myself for not having my dash cam . This was seriously the one day I didn’t have it.

I’m sure some of you are also wondering if I’m just a bad driver and this is a road rage incident on my bad driving.
And i am telling you, I WISH I had an explanation as easy and “innocent” as that.
Also I would admit if I ran a red light or cut someone off. But this was completely unprovoked and I didn’t know who this person was AT ALL.

To try and conclude everything I think they thought I dropped my boyfriend off at his house. And that I was all alone in that car.
I don’t know what their intentions were, but I know they weren’t anything good. This has caused me to relapse into trauma responses and other fun mental battles. And one of my favorite hobbies is ruined.

I now drive a completely stock Toyota 4Runner. Don’t get me wrong it’s a reliable little SUV, but I will never make it my own by adding fancy wheels or lift kits.
I’m scared to be driving anything to modded or recognizable. And I can’t drive at night without panicking that someone is following me.

Please stay safe and consider maybe getting a dash cam. Also you should always try and plan for situations like this as best as you can.
I know it’s not fun to think that something bad could happen to yourself. But it can, and maybe the little bit of planning you did, could save yourself from a bad situation. Trust your gut always.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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