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I was 16 years old and was doing an apprenticeship in carpentry, occasionally when there was no wood work to do I would be given the job to go around different sites owned by the company with maintenance man, to fix and maintain anything that needs doing on different properties. The man I worked with who we will call for privacy reasons Dave, was a polite man and hardworking however did have an odd manner about him. For example I remember he would often stare into space or go off topic to odd conversations, about my mum. For context this man who worked for the company was also married to my mum, many years ago and they had children together. (I am not one of his children). At the time I had just assumed he was being polite and asking about her well being, however at times it could be intrusive questions. Such as “Is her new partner nice to you”. “Is her new partner controlling”. Or even weird questions “Is she happy with him.” All questions that you probably shouldn’t ask her 16 year old son. He always tried scooping information and try to be subtle. Anyway after a few months of doing odd jobs with Dave, I had learnt that Dave had apparently been in a relationship with a Lady who lives 15 minutes away from him, and they have been together for a year. I thought nothing off it and had expressed that I am happy for him, atleast it might keep him off the topic of asking weird forward questions about his ex wife “my mum”. As months had passed, and I was working with Dave he would always take a similar route to jobs even when this route would be a longer route for us, I never questioned it but the question was in my mind of why he was driving this route on every job we were doing. And his behaviour when driving around these areas was odd he always drove slow enough as if he wanted to see who was walking around the street, and often looked at the side walks else well as the road, Dave wouldn’t often speak when driving around this route. During this time Dave had asked me a question which completely through me off guard. He asked “How do you go about calling somebody when they have blocked your number, “ I had told Dave there’s only really one way, you turn off your no caller ID however this will signal the person your calling that you are calling under a no caller ID. The question made me feel off, and answering his question made me feel like I was apart of something wrong. However I still tried to forget about it and tell myself what I told him is public information and if he really wanted to he could Google it. So I shrugged it off and went about our work. This was until one day he left his phone open on a chat on his vans seat, it appeared to be him sending multiple messages to a number and the messages not going through. Two messages I can remember was “Please talk to me, I don’t know where I’ve gone wrong.” “If you explain to me why you left me I won’t message you again I just need an answer.” I know I shouldn’t have read them, and I certainly wish I hadn’t read them. But things began to add up in my head. The route to jobs, the messages, the questions about my mum and questions about caller ids and his very recent girlfriend.” At the time I felt very worried about who I was in a vehicle with. I had instantly spoke to one of his children my sibling, about the whole situation. She was shocked and ensured they will have a conversation with him about the whole thing and told me not to worry. I almost felt guilt and an accomplice to the situation explaining how you contact somebody who blocked you. I had realised that he was a stalker. Anyway I changed employments. Months later there was an article about a stalker with Dave’s full name about a court appearance and restraining order placed against him. He had been messaging and calling his ex partner, knocking on her door at night sending gifts to his ex partner, following her in the woods while she was walking her dog, and even deliberately bumped into her in the grocery store. He even went as far to scrape artach up his van and try frame her. He essentially went to any means necessary to contact her. He never told his family about his court appearance until it concluded. Very secretive man who I no longer have any contact with. Just goes to show trust your gut about people and anybody can have a secret life. Hate to think how far he would’ve gone if she didn’t take action.

Author: Spiritual-Way-7315

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