My fake friend that I could've avoid earlier

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My fake friend that I could have avoided earlier

This happened to me back in 2008 to the early 2010s. When I was 11, I met a girl who was the same age as me since sixth grade, she and I weren't the same classmates until high school but we were the same school. By the middle of sixth grade, things got creepy.

Somehow she was everywhere every time I had an extra class, including every time I had to switch from another schedule to another schedule, my entire life I never gave my private information to her but I was half aware she knew by her own eyes even tho she was a near sight. Unfortunately, I had reported it to the teacher/faculty members but they brushed off my warning as a ruse because I didn't have enough evidence to prove it was her, what's worse we weren't allowed to bright any electronic devices (like phones for example) for pieces of evidence against her except calculator for Maths and Physic.

This bothered me forever, she even shared the same Home Economics class and swimming lessons as mine during the eighth grade but yet again not the same group. Even in ninth grade, she still kept following me nonstop, despite I warned her to leave me alone.

After I graduated at 15, I left for a high school to start over, even though I forgot about her until the middle of October 2012...She's back! My skin turned pale as well and my heart beat like I was in panic mode. This girl, how did she even know I'm in high school that I enrolled and more importantly, I again, didn't leak my information everywhere not even to her. Once again she won't leave me alone and she starts to get worse.

She guilt-tripped me into 'befriending' her to let her use my belongings whether it was permission or not, despite her soft manner it was a red flag, to begin with, that I could have avoided it sooner. On the other time, she overheard me and my classmate conversing about mine wanting a key charm that my classmate had. But on the next day, she attacked me after I took a seat in the class because she knew that I wanted something that she didn't, this incident caught the attention of the principal in my high school, and the principal recap the whole situation by writing a statement report, I ended up rewrite twice because of error grammar and by the third the principal made the decision, she was suspended for a week, but it wasn't enough.

She returned after a week and "accused" me of her suspending, which I wasn't involved in with her drama, even though I didn't have another choice but to report my statement for my safety. And once again, she guilt-tripped me for other reasons by hypocritically "calling" me for being a terrible friend, even so far she destroyed one of my belongings and supplies. I called her out but she pretended she didn't remember it, worse, she framed a student for having a torn notebook that she destroyed and yet she refused to admit her mistakes. That was my last straw as it made my blood boil, but I didn't want to show my anger as she gave me a watch in exchange for money, which turns out, she swindled and got away with it.

In all situations, half of my peers and teachers witnessed this incident and warned me that I should end her friendship with her, she wasn't my friend, just saw me as a pawn and manipulated me by taking advantage of my kindness and trust. We were still in the same in high school but I quietly outright not to be close with her again. That's it until early December of 2012, that was the last time I saw her, and I guess that she was expelled after the last warning from one of my peers.

I felt relieved but I will never forget what she did to not only me but to the other half of my peers as well. By near the end of high school, I realized that she was indeed not a very good friend and her attitude was sociopathic, manipulative, liar, and almost creepy, and that was the reason why I ended things with her for good. Luckily I didn't give her phone number or address since that wasn't allowed in the school which I managed to avoid the red flag.

It's been almost 16 years since this incident took place after I finished my highschool in 2015, I'm almost 27 and currently have a job. The experience made it difficult to trust someone or befriend them again.

So the girl I used to befriend, let's not meet again, ever.

**Edit:** I want to everyone know that the incident happened in 2008, aka 16 years ago before the 2010s, and two I finished high school in 2015 which was 9 years ago. The 2020s era still confuses me sometimes.

**Edit2:** Since I live in Vietnam, they don't have a restraining order but having my stalker out of my life was better than charging her.



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