Not everyone can be trusted

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So the story happened when we were both 12 years old. We went to Switzerland for about 5

days with our class for a school trip. We were introduced by the team (they were about 5. 1 girl, 4 boys) they all seemed pretty chill except for one of the boys (Let's name him Nathan (not his real name)), I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about that man.

I told my friend about it but they told me it was probably nothing since I do have a reputation of having trust issues. After that we were all assigned a room that we all headed to. My room was on the third floor and hers was on the second one.

In each room on the second floor there's a balcony with a sliding door leading to it. In my room, there was a little window where I could see my friend's balcony out of it. I would usually throw some candy out of it for them to try out or catch (I had the candy stock).

A couple of days later, in the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep, I had a strange feeling that was keeping me awake after some time I started hearing some noises. So I mindlessly went to look out the window, I looked down to see a human figure standing on my friends balcony, looking inside their rooms through the glass door.

I started yelling at it (luckely for me my roommates were heavy sleepers) telling it to leave, it slowly looked up at me and saw that I was looking at it and jumped off the balcony to run away.

The next morning I went to my friend's room and told her what happened, she told me she saw the same figure but since she does have sleep paralysis she didn't think much of it at that time, I went to the balcony, trying to find some footprints or anything that could prove my point and that something was indeed there that night and to her surprise there indeed was some footprints in the snow.

When we went back inside I tried locking the door but the lock was broken.

At that moment my friend started to freak out and told me that the sleep paralysis demon was usually inside the room, in the middle staring her down, not moving one inch nor looking away to look at the others. We didn't tell the teachers about it because we thought that they wouldn't believe us (because we were just 12 and they were adults). We calmly went back downstairs and pretended nothing was wrong.

When the school trip ended Nathan (the one I had a bad feeling about) asked for everyone's Snapchat to make a group and to keep in touch (he was 24). We all went to the bus, had to change the bus in the middle of the trip back because we ran into a jeep and two skies pierced into the window, almost killing our driver. and at that moment Nathan looked mad and stressed out (probably because we did just crash so we didn't think much of it).

A couple of months later my friend asked me for help saying that Nathan kept sending messages and asking for nude pictures, threatening to come over to her house if she didn't. I suddenly had the thought that the man in the window was Nathan, they did have the same height body structure. At this point we had no clue what to do except telling her parents, they didn't know what to do because he did have all of her info so they told her to take a photo of the messages he sent to have evidence that he wasn't a good person, we told the teacher and the principal who asked to all the students with Nathan's Snap to block him but ofc nobody did.

We had enough, evidence and told the police about it and after a month of begging and ect they finally brought him to jail. We later learned that another friend of mine had the same problem and that she refused to do as he asked. The worst part is that he really did come to her house.

I hope to never see or hear of you again Nathan.


Author: cucomber_XXX

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