Met someone like you.OO1 ﹒﹒♡

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its the subway floor! Pest came in.

In the dimly lit corridor of an abandoned research facility, Pest cautiously stepped into the flickering elevator. The ominous atmosphere was accentuated by the distant echoes of unknown machinery and the faint hum of malfunctioning lights. The air was thick with an eerie silence.

As the elevator doors slowly closed, Pest noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. The infected, its once-human form now twisted and contorted, caught sight of Pest's entrance and approached with a strangely friendly wave. "H3LL0! H0W 4R3 Y0U?" the infected inquired, its voice a distorted blend of human and otherworldly tones.

Pest, known for being more of a silent observer than a conversationalist, offered a brief nod in response. "Fine," Pest uttered, their voice barely audible in the stifling stillness of the elevator.

The infected, seemingly undeterred by Pest's reticence, continued to engage in conversation. "W3 H4V3N'T S33N 4NYPNE N3W 4R0UND H3R3... 1T'S S0 L0N3LY!" it exclaimed, its distorted features attempting to form a twisted smile.

Pest, accustomed to the desolation of their surroundings, remained stoic. The elevator continued its descent into the bowels of the facility, carrying the unlikely duo into the heart of an unknown danger.

As the elevator doors opened on a lower floor, revealing a dimly illuminated corridor teeming with the infected, Pest and their peculiar companion faced the challenges that awaited them. A silent alliance forged in the shadows, they ventured forth into the depths of the forsaken facility, where secrets lay dormant and danger lurked around every corner.

In the eerie silence of the dimly lit corridor, Pest finally mustered the curiosity to question their talkative companion. "Why do you keep talking to me?" Pest asked, genuine curiosity flickering in their eyes.

The infected, seemingly caught off guard by the inquiry, paused for a moment before replying, "I C0ULDNT C0P3 W1TH TH3 S1L3NC3." The response echoed through the desolate hallway, revealing a hint of vulnerability beneath the twisted exterior of the infected.

With an unexpected burst of noise, the infected sneezed into a crumpled tissue, the sound distorted and unnerving. The tissue, stained with an otherworldly substance, served as a grim reminder of the perilous conditions they found themselves in.

Pest, though not easily swayed by emotions, felt a strange sense of understanding. In this forsaken place, where shadows whispered of forgotten experiments and abandoned hopes, the infected had found solace in breaking the oppressive silence.

As they continued their journey through the labyrinthine facility, Pest and the infected formed an unconventional companionship. The infected's incessant chatter became a peculiar soundtrack to their exploration, a stark contrast to the hushed secrets that lingered in the air.

Together, they navigated through the shadows and evaded the dangers that lurked around every corner. The peculiar duo, bound by the need for companionship in a world that had long lost its humanity, pressed forward into the unknown, their destinies intertwined in the silence that once threatened to consume them both.

Pest regarded the infected with a quizzical expression. "WHY 4R3 Y0U L00KING 4T M3?" Pest inquired, curiosity etched in their features.

The infected, a glimmer of unexpected enthusiasm in its distorted gaze, responded with an offbeat question, "Do you skate by any chance?" The question hung in the air, a peculiar divergence from the grim reality surrounding them.

Surprisingly, the infected's eyes lit up, and a nod followed by a quick affirmative "Y3S!!!" escaped its twisted features. In an unexpected turn of events, the infected embraced Pest in a tight hug, its mangled form seemingly expressing an odd sense of joy.

"Can you teach me some tricks?" the infected blurted out, its enthusiasm transcending the eerie surroundings. Pest, despite having a few tricks up their sleeve, played along and nodded in agreement. The alliance between Pest and the infected was taking an unexpectedly cheerful turn, with the prospect of a skateboarding lesson amidst the ominous corridors of the forsaken facility.

As they ventured deeper into the facility, Pest and the infected found a hidden room containing a worn skateboard. With an atmosphere laden with mystery and the unexpected, Pest demonstrated a few basic moves. The infected, surprisingly agile despite its twisted form, mimicked the actions with an otherworldly finesse.

Laughter, an almost alien sound in those desolate halls, echoed as Pest and the infected continued their impromptu skateboarding lesson. The unexpected bond formed between them grew stronger, transcending the darkness that enveloped the facility.

In the midst of abandoned experiments and the remnants of forgotten endeavors, Pest and the infected found solace in an unconventional companionship and the joy of shared moments. Through the strange twists of fate, they discovered that even in the bleakest of places, unexpected connections and simple pleasures could thrive.

The unexpected camaraderie with the infected marked a significant departure from Pest's usual solitude. Struggling with antisocial tendencies, Pest found solace in the peculiar companionship that had blossomed amidst the shadows of the forsaken facility.

As they continued their skateboarding escapade through the dimly lit corridors, Pest couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. The once oppressive silence that surrounded them now echoed with laughter and the clattering of wheels against the cold floor. It was a strange and unfamiliar sensation for Pest, who had long been accustomed to the quietude of their own company.

The infected, blissfully unaware of Pest's antisocial disorder, continued to express joy and excitement, creating an atmosphere of unexpected warmth. It was a stark contrast to the isolation Pest had grown accustomed to, and for the first time, they began to question the walls they had built around themselves.

As the duo navigated the twists and turns of the facility, each skateboard trick became a metaphorical leap over the barriers of Pest's antisocial disposition. The infected, with its distorted but genuine enthusiasm, became a bridge between the isolation of the past and the potential for connection in the present.

In this uncharted territory of newfound friendship, Pest discovered that breaking the silence wasn't always as daunting as it seemed. The infectious joy of the infected had a transformative effect, slowly unraveling the knots of antisocial tendencies that had bound Pest for so long.

As they continued their journey, Pest and the infected found themselves not only navigating the physical labyrinth of the facility but also navigating the intricate maze of personal barriers and emotional complexities. It was a journey of self-discovery and unexpected companionship that would leave a lasting impact on both Pest and the infected, forever altering the course of their isolated existences.

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