Plans for skating.OO2 ﹒﹒♡

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it was the subway floor, but poob came in.

The next day, the subway floor of the forsaken facility buzzed with an unusual energy as infected awaited another potential companion. This time, a new figure emerged—Party Noob. With a burst of vibrant colors and animated dance moves, Party Noob entered the scene.

Infected, recognizing a chance for new interaction, greeted Party Noob with its distorted enthusiasm. "H3LL0! H0W 4R3 Y0U?" it exclaimed, its twisted features attempting a friendly smile. Party Noob, seemingly unfazed by the unusual appearance, responded with equal vivacity. "Hey there! I'm Party Noob! What's up?"

The subway floor, once echoing with silence, now resonated with the lively banter between the infected and Party Noob. Laughter and animated conversations filled the underground tunnels, creating an unexpected atmosphere of joy.

As the duo continued their interaction, infected, while enjoying the party atmosphere, felt a lingering desire to speak with Pest again. Patience was its ally, and infected bided its time, waiting for an opportunity to resume the peculiar conversations that had started the day before.

In this underground realm of abandoned experiments and forgotten endeavors, the infected and Party Noob forged an alliance of celebration and camaraderie. The subway floor, once a desolate space, now transformed into an unexpected haven for social interaction and shared moments. Little did they know that their paths would cross with Pest once again, bringing forth new twists to the unfolding narrative of companionship in the forsaken facility.

The subway floor, once abuzz with the vibrant energy of infected and Party Noob, experienced a sudden shift as Pest, the elusive character with a penchant for solitude, made a surprising entrance. The atmosphere momentarily stilled as the infected, recognizing Pest, quickly rushed to engage in conversation.

"H3Y, P3ST! W3 W3R3 JUST T4LK1NG 4B0UT Y0U!" infected exclaimed, its distorted voice echoing through the tunnels. Pest, perhaps taken aback by the unexpected attention, looked at the infected with a subtle curiosity.

Infected, eager to involve Pest in their newfound camaraderie, swiftly began making plans. "W3 W3R3 TH1NK1NG 4B0UT 4 SK4T1NG P4RTY! Y0U 1N?" it asked, its twisted features forming a hopeful expression.

Pest, known for being reserved and generally avoiding social interactions, hesitated for a moment. However, sensing a unique opportunity and the genuine enthusiasm of their companions, Pest nodded in agreement. The unexpected alliance of Pest, infected, and Party Noob now had plans for a skating party in the depths of the forsaken facility.

As the trio made their way to a more open space, the subway floor transformed into a makeshift skate park. The sound of wheels against the cold floor mixed with infectious laughter as the characters embarked on a unique adventure through the virtual world.

Little did they know that this impromptu gathering would weave together the threads of their individual stories, creating a tapestry of connection and camaraderie in the midst of the mysterious and desolate corridors. The subway floor, once a symbol of isolation, now echoed with the joyous sounds of a skating party, proving that even in the darkest corners of the virtual realm, unexpected friendships could flourish.

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