Wheres my little bug? .OO6 ﹒﹒♡

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Woohoo a new chapter!! and its angst :33 (this might be short)

Infected woke up with a strange feeling prickling the back of his mind. It was a sensation he couldn't quite place—a blend of unease and anticipation that left him restless. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his bare feet meeting the cool surface of the floor. Something was off, he could sense it. But what?

As he shuffled through his small apartment, the feeling of emptiness grew stronger with each step. It wasn't until he reached the cluttered kitchen that he realized what was missing—Pest.

Pest, his closest companion and confidant, was nowhere to be found. Panic began to rise within Infected as he searched every nook and cranny of the apartment, calling out for Pest in desperation. But there was no response, no sign of his cherished friend.

With a sinking feeling in his chest, Infected slumped onto the worn sofa, his mind racing with worry. Where could Pest have gone? And why had he left without a word?

As the hours stretched on, Infected's anxiety only deepened. Memories flooded his mind—of the countless adventures he and Pest had shared, the laughter and tears they had exchanged. Pest had been his rock, his constant companion in a world fraught with uncertainty.

But now, with Pest gone, Infected felt adrift. He had always relied on Pest's unwavering support and guidance, and without him, the world seemed a darker, lonelier place.

As night fell and the city outside grew quiet, Infected made a decision. He couldn't sit idly by while his friend was out there, alone and vulnerable. With a newfound determination, he gathered his belongings and set out into the night, determined to find Pest and bring him home.

Through bustling streets and shadowy alleyways, Infected searched, his heart pounding with each step. And then, just when he was beginning to lose hope, he saw him—a familiar figure huddled in a doorway, shivering and alone.

With a rush of relief, Infected hurried forward, gathering Pest into his arms. Tears of joy and gratitude streamed down his cheeks as he held his friend close, grateful beyond words to have him back by his side.

And as they made their way back home, side by side once more, Infected knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could face anything the world threw their way. For Pest and Infected were more than just friends—they were kindred spirits, bound together by a bond that transcended time and space. And nothing, not even the darkest of nights, could ever tear them apart.

Infected's search for Pest took him through every corner of the bustling city. He asked neighbors, friends, and even strangers if they had seen Pest, describing him with every detail he could recall—his mischievous grin, his infectious laughter, the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.But no one had seen Pest. It was as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a lingering sense of emptiness in Infected's heart.

As the days turned into weeks, Infected's desperation only grew. He combed through every inch of their shared memories, searching for clues, for anything that could lead him to Pest. But the answers eluded him, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

Infected's once vibrant world began to lose its color, drained of joy and laughter in Pest's absence. The days stretched on, endless and empty, as he grappled with the uncertainty of not knowing where his friend had gone.

But just when he was on the verge of giving up hope, a faint glimmer of light pierced through the darkness. A rumor, whispered in hushed tones among the city's underbelly, spoke of a place where lost souls gathered—a hidden sanctuary for those who had nowhere else to turn.

With renewed determination, Infected followed the trail of whispers, each step bringing him closer to the truth. And then, at long last, he found it—a dilapidated building tucked away in a forgotten corner of the city, its walls stained with graffiti and its windows boarded up against the outside world.

With a pounding heart, Infected pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside, the musty air heavy with the scent of decay. And there, in the dimly lit room beyond, he saw him—Pest, huddled in a corner, his once vibrant spirit dimmed by the weight of the world.

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Infected rushed forward, gathering Pest into his arms. And in that moment, as they clung to each other amidst the ruins, Infected knew that no matter how far they strayed or how dark the path ahead, as long as they had each other, they would always find their way home.

As night fell and exhaustion weighed heavy on his shoulders, Infected returned to his small apartment, the weight of his grief pressing down upon him like a leaden blanket. Despite his weariness, sleep eluded him, his mind consumed by thoughts of his lost friend.

He lay in bed, tossing and turning, his thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of confusion and sorrow. Memories of his time with Pest played out like a bittersweet symphony, each note tinged with longing and regret.

He replayed their adventures in his mind—their laughter echoing in the darkness, their shared moments of joy and camaraderie. But alongside the happy memories, there lingered a sense of guilt, a nagging doubt that he had failed his friend in some way.

What could he have done differently? How could he have let Pest slip through his fingers so easily? These questions haunted him, tormenting him with their relentless insistence.

As the hours stretched on and the world outside grew quiet, Infected found himself caught in a never-ending cycle of regret and despair. Sleep remained elusive, his mind too consumed by thoughts of his lost friend to find any respite.

But even in the depths of his despair, a glimmer of hope flickered within him—a stubborn refusal to give up on the possibility of finding Pest once more. And so, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Infected made a silent vow to himself—to never stop searching, to never give up hope, until he was reunited with his beloved friend once more.

''WH3R3Z MY L1TTL3 B7G..?'' he mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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