Your bad, but its cute.OO3 ﹒﹒♡

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The elevator came, as always. But no one was at the subway or infected house? It was weird. But the players then saw them at the ToolBox Speedway floor, they were skating, awh how cute.

Pest and infected found themselves engaged in an impromptu skating lesson. Infected, with its twisted form, demonstrated skateboarding tricks with surprising finesse, while Pest, still new to the activity, struggled to maintain balance.

With each stumble and fall, Pest's determination remained unwavering. Infected, finding amusement in Pest's attempts, couldn't help but chuckle at their companion's earnest efforts. "Y0U'R3 NOT B4D, JUST... UNUSU4L!" infected remarked between laughs, its distorted voice echoing through the festive atmosphere.

Pest, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement, muttered under their breath, "Oh, don't flatter yourself." The comment, though muttered softly, drew a playful grin from infected, who continued to offer guidance and encouragement.

As the skating session continued, Pest's persistence began to pay off. With each attempt, they gained a bit more confidence, their movements becoming slightly more fluid. Infected, still offering lighthearted commentary, found Pest's determination endearing, despite their initial struggles.

Together, amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the Happy Home Party, Pest and infected embarked on a journey of skill-building and shared experiences. The skateboarding lesson, with all its ups and downs, became a testament to the bond they had formed in the midst of their virtual adventures.

As the music played on and the festivities continued, Pest's determination to master the art of skateboarding remained unwavering. Infected, with its twisted form and infectious enthusiasm, stood by Pest's side, offering guidance and laughter in equal measure. In this moment of shared amusement and camaraderie, Pest and infected discovered that even the simplest of activities could become a source of joy and connection in the unlikeliest of places.

As Pest finally landed a trick with a sense of accomplishment, a triumphant "YES!" echoed through the lively atmosphere of the Toolbox Speedway floor. Infected, with a proud smile stretching across its distorted features, couldn't help but share in Pest's excitement.

"Y0U D1D 1T! C0NGR4TS!" infected exclaimed, its voice filled with genuine pride. However, true to its playful nature, infected couldn't resist adding a teasing remark. "1T 0NLY T00K Y0U 4LL D4Y!" it joked, a mischievous glint in its eyes.

Pest, though momentarily annoyed by the teasing, couldn't help but laugh along with infected's playful banter. "Hey, I'll take what I can get!" Pest retorted with a grin, the sense of accomplishment outweighing any annoyance.

In this moment of shared triumph and playful ribbing, Pest and infected found themselves bonded by the shared experience of mastering a skateboarding trick amidst the festivities of the Happy Home Party. The teasing and laughter only served to deepen the camaraderie between them, reminding them that even in the virtual world, genuine connections and shared moments could bring joy and laughter in abundance.

As the skating session continued and the music played on, Pest and infected reveled in the simple pleasure of each other's company, their bond strengthened by the playful exchanges and shared triumphs of the day. In the midst of the lively celebration, they discovered that sometimes, the most memorable moments were the ones filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of friendly teasing.

As Pest reveled in the joy of his successful trick, the celebratory atmosphere was momentarily disrupted when he took a tumble, scraping his knee on the virtual skateboard. The festive mood shifted as Pest winced in pain, discovering a digital wound on his avatar.

Panicking at the sight of the virtual blood, Pest hastily attended to his scraped knee. The discomfort was only heightened by the unexpected pain, and Pest found himself momentarily caught off guard. Infected, sensing Pest's distress, moved to assist, its distorted features reflecting concern.

"1T'S JUST V1RTU4L BL00D, P3ST. N0 N33D T0 P4N1C!" infected reassured, its voice taking on a more comforting tone. Slowly, it began to virtually bandage Pest's scraped knee, offering a virtual remedy to the digital injury.

However, true to its mischievous nature, infected couldn't resist injecting a touch of humor into the situation. "TH3R3, ALM0ST L1K3 N3W! 1F 0NLY Y0U H4D 4 R34L M0MMY T0 K1SS 1T B3TT3R," it joked, adopting a playful mimicry of a concerned mother, complete with exaggerated gestures and a mockingly soothing voice.

Pest, despite the pain and the annoyance at infected's antics, couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of the situation. "Alright, alright, you've made your point," Pest replied, the virtual bandage now adorning his scraped knee.

In this unexpected turn of events, the skating session transformed into a moment of shared laughter and playful banter. Infected, once a source of amusement, now took on the role of a virtual caregiver, providing a humorous twist to an otherwise minor mishap. As the festivities of the Toolbox speedway continued, Pest and infected found themselves navigating the complexities of virtual injuries and the healing power of shared laughter in the unpredictable world of the forsaken facility.

As night descended upon the Happy Home Party floor, casting a soft glow over the virtual landscape, Pest and infected found themselves still engaged in conversation, their connection deepening with each passing moment. Despite the hours that had flown by, their dialogue remained vibrant and engaging.

Infected, with its unique blend of humor and sincerity, continued to playfully tease Pest about his skateboarding skills. "Y0U KNOW, P3ST, Y0U'R3 STILL N0T QU1T3 UP T0 P4R W1TH MY 34SY M0V3S," it remarked, a mischievous twinkle in its distorted eyes.

Pest, though initially taken aback by infected's persistent teasing, couldn't help but appreciate the lighthearted banter. "Hey, you're the expert here, right? I'll leave the fancy moves to you," Pest replied with a chuckle, the camaraderie between them palpable in the virtual air.As they continued to talk into the night, Pest and infected explored a myriad of topics, from virtual adventures to personal anecdotes. Infected, despite its playful jabs, revealed a genuine desire to connect and share experiences with Pest, its twisted form serving as a conduit for empathy and understanding.

In the quiet moments between conversations, Pest found himself reflecting on the unexpected bond that had formed between them. Despite their differences and the challenges they had faced, Pest and infected had forged a connection that transcended the virtual confines of the forsaken facility.

As the night wore on and the conversations flowed effortlessly, Pest and infected discovered that sometimes, the most meaningful connections were the ones forged in the most unexpected of circumstances. In the glow of the virtual moonlight, amidst the laughter and the teasing, they found solace in the simple pleasure of each other's company, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

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