Loneliness in my heart .OO5 ﹒﹒♡

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 Spolier alert: Mr gets in the elevator

Pest woke up feeling a little under the weather. His head pounded with discomfort, but his determination to carry out his duty remained steadfast. You see, Pest had a unique ability—he could sense the presence of Infected individuals, those who carried dangerous illnesses that could spread like wildfire if left unchecked.

In his small apartment nestled within the heart of the city, Pest began his daily routine. But as he scanned the rooms, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Instead of detecting the usual signs of Infected individuals, all he could sense was a lingering sense of Unpleasant—a strange and unsettling aura that made his skin crawl.

With furrowed brows, Pest intensified his search. He checked every nook and cranny, peering behind furniture and beneath rugs, but his efforts yielded no results. Where were the Infected? It was as though they had vanished into thin air.

As Pest scoured his apartment, he stumbled upon a missing poster pinned to his notice board. It was for Infected's beloved cat, Whiskers. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt. Could it be that Infected had disappeared in search of their lost pet?

Determined to find answers, Pest ventured outside, his senses on high alert. Along the way, he encountered graffiti adorning the walls of buildings—vivid, chaotic expressions of frustration and unrest. The graffiti seemed to whisper secrets of the city, hinting at the turmoil lurking beneath its shiny exterior.

With each step, Pest's unease grew. The city seemed quieter than usual, its streets devoid of the usual hustle and bustle. It was as though a shroud of mystery had descended upon the urban landscape.

Undeterred, Pest pressed on, following his instincts like a beacon in the darkness. Eventually, his journey led him to a desolate alleyway, where he stumbled upon a makeshift shelter fashioned from discarded crates and tattered blankets.

And there, huddled within the shelter, was Infected—not as a carrier of disease, but as a victim of circumstance. Beside them, Whiskers purred contentedly, safe and sound in their owner's embrace.

Relief flooded Pest's senses as he realized the truth of the situation. Infected hadn't vanished to spread illness but had instead embarked on a desperate quest to find their missing companion. The graffiti, the missing poster—they were all breadcrumbs leading Pest to this moment of clarity.

With a gentle hand, Pest offered assistance to Infected, extending a lifeline in their time of need. And as they emerged from the shadows of the alley, a newfound sense of camaraderie blossomed between them—a reminder that in a world plagued by uncertainty, kindness and understanding were the greatest weapons against adversity.

Together, they ventured back into the city, united in their mission to navigate the challenges that lay ahead. For Pest, it was a reminder that sometimes, the greatest threats weren't the ones you could detect with your senses but the ones that lurked in the shadows of the human heart.

As Pest's heart sank with the weight of loneliness, he found himself drawn to Infected's computer, a silent sentinel amidst the stillness of the apartment. With a heavy sigh, he approached the device, his fingers hesitantly tapping against the keys as he navigated through folders and files.

Each click echoed in the quiet room, a solemn reminder of the emptiness that surrounded him. But as he delved deeper into the digital labyrinth, something caught his eye—a series of photographs, snapshots of moments frozen in time.

They were pictures of Infected and Whiskers, captured in moments of joy and companionship. In each frame, Pest could see the bond that existed between them, a connection forged through laughter and love. And in that fleeting glimpse, he found solace—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was light to be found in the memories we hold dear.

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