Sick cuddles.OO4 ﹒﹒♡

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As the day unfolded in the forsaken facility, Pest received a message that infected was feeling unwell. Worried about their newfound companion, Pest decided to pay a visit to infected's apartment to check up on them.

Navigating through the dim corridors, Pest reached infected's door. With a gentle knock, the door creaked open, revealing infected in a weakened state. Its usual energy was replaced by a noticeable sign of illness.

"P3ST, WH4T 4R3 Y0U D01NG H3R3?" infected croaked, its distorted voice betraying a hint of surprise and gratitude.

"I heard you were feeling under the weather. I thought I'd come by to see if you needed anything," Pest replied, genuine concern etched into their features.

Infected, though initially taken aback by Pest's unexpected visit, couldn't help but feel touched by the gesture. "TH4NK Y0U, P3ST. I'M JUST F33L1NG A B1T UND3R TH3 W34TH3R," it admitted, its usual bravado replaced by vulnerability.

Pest, without hesitation, stepped into infected's dwelling, offering a comforting presence. They fetched a blanket and made a cup of soothing tea, doing their best to provide comfort in the midst of the challenges.

As they sat together in infected's space, the usual banter and laughter were replaced by a sense of quiet companionship. Pest stayed by infected's side, offering words of encouragement and support as they weathered the storm of illness together.

In this unexpected moment of vulnerability, Pest and infected discovered that true friendship could flourish even in the desolate corridors of the forsaken facility. As they navigated the challenges of sickness and solitude, their bond grew stronger, proving that even in the most unlikely of circumstances, genuine connections could thrive.

As infected lay there, still awake in the dimly lit apartment, a sense of awkwardness crept over him. The situation felt increasingly uncomfortable as Pest, in his sleep, continued to draw closer, encroaching on infected's personal space.

"TH1S 1S 4 L1TTL3 4KW4RD..." infected thought to himself, unsure of how to navigate the delicate balance between companionship and personal boundaries. Despite his discomfort, infected couldn't bring himself to push Pest away, the genuine warmth of their embrace offering a rare moment of solace in the desolate facility.

As Pest continued to inch closer, infected found himself with diminishing privacy, his personal space gradually encroached upon by Pest's unconscious movements. Despite the intrusion, infected hesitated to disturb Pest's peaceful slumber, torn between the desire for his own space and the reluctance to disrupt the fragile tranquility of the moment.

Caught in this uncomfortable predicament, infected silently wrestled with conflicting emotions, his thoughts a jumble of uncertainty and discomfort. As the night wore on and Pest remained blissfully unaware of infected's internal turmoil, infected resigned himself to the situation, accepting the encroachment on his privacy as a small price to pay for the comfort of companionship in the lonely expanse of the forsaken facility.

In this moment of vulnerability and awkwardness, infected found himself grappling with the complexities of friendship and the sacrifices it sometimes demanded. As the night stretched on, he could only hope for Pest to stir from his slumber, releasing infected from the confines of their uncomfortably close embrace.

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