Super natural

17 1 0

You've changed me too much.

Changed my home, my life, my words and my feelings.

You ruined my life one too many times,

but I'll never escape you, and I don't think I ever will.

You haunt me like a ghost, flickering my lights and slamming my doors.

Like a reoccurring nightmare, terrifying me over and over inside my head.

But I cling to these memories. My lifeline in some twisted, confusing way.

You're not a ghost, or a nightmare. You're not a faint memory in the back of my head.

You can see me, and I can see you. 

You ruined my life one too many times, but I never hear you apologize.

And maybe it's my fault, because I'll never tell or expect you to.

You're my greatest fear, my deepest secret. You scare me like nothing else does.

Though it's not you, but my ability to still love you that scares me.

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