on the fence

13 1 0

I don't know why I have to be like this. I love and hate everything. I view everything from every side and can never seem to maintain a personal opinion before it slips away into whatever it means definitively.

I look at the sun and I hate it. It hurts my eyes and its drying up our fields which are now being sold to companies that are overpopulating the schools and shoving me in the hallways. It burns my skin and leaves by five o clock anyways. It hurts things.

I look at the sun and I love it. All these things around me, golden hour and the sunflowers making their rounds and the glittering ripples on the pond. It makes the snow sparkle and it will get rid of all this ice. It helps things exist.

but I wish I could just look at the sun and love it because I want to.

No critical thinking, no list of pros and cons, no looking at it from a different perspective, no analyzing no realism no nothing.

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