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The stars and the grounds i set under my feet,

The bugs that i dig for with my hands stuck in peat,

the questions, the answers, the fun in the game,

the endless cycle i wont bother to name,

the shame of a fault, the raising of hands,

the silence all covering the moon as they land,

they're sorting through forests and soaring the skies,

plunging into the oceans and looking into our eyes,

the questions, the answers, it's all really the same,

but repetitiveness and similarity is not a shame.

it's comfort to a curious mind, 

the physics to space or the way that a snake can unwind,

Why do we laugh? And why do we shout?

and as much as I want to know the universe inside out,

like I know the blood red and the sky truly blue,

as much or as little, I want to know you.

You make me think.

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