Attack on the Techno's reef [TWT prologue]

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Hello. I'm back. Sorry that I have been so busy with college. The last project really got me tired that I didn't have much to update this fic but I finished with that project and I'm on holiday right now so I have some time to kill -until the next project which will be more important especially for university. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Tbh, I'm starting to lose interest in this fic.. but I'll try my best to finish it for everyone. I'm sorry if my writing is lacking.. I really did try my best.

Also, this chapter is very short but I promise the next one will be longer.


"Is everyone ready?" Khem asked as everyone sat back down in their seats after the break. Everyone nodded while she smiled, not trying to contain her excitement.

"Awesome! I'm so excited for you guys to watch this part since it's my favourite EVER!" She shouted, vibrating in her seat.

The screen suddenly turned on again.

CLOUD GUY: Once upon a time, there were two Trolls. One was named Poppy.

Scrapbook Poppy: Hey. How's it going?

CLOUD GUY: The other was named Branch.

Scrapbook Branch: What's up?

CLOUD GUY: Together, they saved the world.

TROLLS: Hooray!

CLOUD GUY: Poppy became queen. Branch found his true colors. And the two of them became best friends.

"Well.. more than friends now." John Dory wiggled his eyebrows at Broppy. Though, they couldn't see it since he sat behind them but Branch frowned at oldest brother's teasing voice.

[imitates fireworks popping]

CLOUD GUY: Boom. And that was that. Pretty cute, right? Not to me. I'm the type of cloud that goes for... this sorta thang.

"Okay, I did not expect that."

"Expect the unexpected~" Cloud guy grinned.

[dogs barking, yapping]

CLOUD GUY: Mm. Anyhoo, what Poppy and Branch didn't know is that their world was a lot bigger than they knew. Like, a lot, lot, lot, lot bigger!

"Yep... I realised how far behind we are." Poppy confessed while the rest of the pop trolls nodded along agreeing with their Queen.

"Like seriously, I didn't know what the internet even was?!"

"I think it's good that you didn't know until you're old enough.." Queen Essence said, looking away nervously while Poppy stared at her in confusion.

"Huh?" Branch patted her shoulder while shaking his head. "You don't need to know.."

"If you say so..." Poppy frowned before turning her head back towards the big screen.


[water burbling]

[ocean creatures calling]

"Oh no." Barb gasped, trying to hide behind Riff.

"You okay, Barb?" He whispered.

"No, this is going to be so bad, Riff." She whispered back. Riff was thrown off, never seen the rock Queen being so worried in his entire time serving her.

"It'll be fine. Everyone already forgave you, right?" He asked.

"Yeah but what if they change their minds?"

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