Author's note (Would be appreciated if you read this)

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Hello my lovely darlings. How are we all? I have unfortunate news for everyone. If you're thinking that I'm discontinuing this, you are very wrong.

I'm taking a little break from writing new chapters and I'm spending the rest of February and the whole of March editing the chapters I published for now. I'll be too busy with a 12 weeks college project and I have a Uni interview to prepare (Hopefully, I'll have more offers next month) to write new chapters but since editing won't take long, I'll be doing that instead.

Also, while editing I might add more moments as well so keep a lookout just in case.

I'll continue writing in April since I have a 2 weeks Easter holiday then but for now I hope you all won't mind.

Another thing, I was informed that there's someone who has been stealing some dialogues from mine for their react fic as well. I was curious so I went to have a little look and surely enough, they person who told me was right. I was comparing the two and they were near identical. I weren't worried at first because they're just so many reactions fics so sometimes somethings are bound to be similar in some ways but in this case, they weren't.

I'm not naming any names. This person has took a lot of the dialogues, if not more than half of the chapters (not including the movies itself). They stole some moments and jokes that took me awhile to come up with and was really proud of. I do not think this is right at all. Stealing is not okay whatsoever, if it was inspired I would say something different but this is not the case... unfortunately.

I don't want to personally confront them since I was raised being taught to be nice to everyone, to be a better person. A mistake from my parents part to be honest because now I grew up to be a person who's getting stepped on by people, tho I do get angry every now and then but I have always been good at controlling my anger.

I'll let you off for now but please for the sake of my anger issues, please do something different in your next chapters. (You put this fic in your reading list.. I'm bound to know at some point.)

-Khem xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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