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The next day, Haerin, feeling utterly exhausted, was practically carried downstairs by her manager.

She had an early morning schedule at the TV station, and her manager would surely wake her up.

So last night she insisted on leaving Kim Minji's place and returning to her own home with her sour back and legs.

What had begun as a one-night stand extended into a second night, leaving Haerin uncertain whether their encounter might become a recurring affair.

She and Kim Minji hadn't discussed it, too busy in bed.

But Haerin had already decided that keeping the count at two nights was the best choice, as long as Kim Minji's reason for moving downstairs was indeed because of her brother's request, not her own decision.

Kim Minji, on the other hand, didn't care a bit anyway.

When Haerin mentioned her departure, Kim Minji merely nodded and wrapped herself in a blanket before drifting off to sleep on the couch.

Their encounter came sooner than expected.

The car had barely left the neighbourhood when they spotted Kim Minji at the intersection. She was incognito, dressed in a gray hoodie, sunglasses, sweatpants, and sneakers, giving off a college campus or rap music video vibe.

What caught even more attention was the massive LV travel bag casually resting at her feet. It was clear that Kim Minji had a knack for making a fashion statement..

"Isn't that Minji?" The manager blurted it out. Haerin's heart sank.

They had a tight schedule at the TV station, and today's recording session was expected to be a long one.

Initially, her manager had been in a hurry, driving like a madman, but when he spotted Kim Minji, he slammed on the brakes.

Kim Minji seemed puzzled until she noticed Haerin in the second row. "Hello!" she greeted, pushing her sunglasses onto her head.

So annoying! Haerin couldn't help but think of her little sister's remark.

Kim Minji was just so irritating.

The manager asked, "No car today?"

"No," Kim Minji replied politely, briefly concealing her annoying demeanor. "I moved in a rush, and I'm still waiting for a parking spot."

The moment her manager heard that Kim Minji had moved, his excitement shot through the roof.

"Moved here? What a coincidence! Haerin lives here too!"

Kim Minji and Haerin exchanged a quick glance, but Kim Minji quickly averted her gaze.

"Is that so?" she replied.

"Where are you heading? I can give you a ride."

Just ten minutes ago, the manager had lost his temper when he saw Haerin's disheveled hair at her place. But now, he was acting like the TV station's schedule didn't exist, inviting Kim Minji to join them.

Maybe she was genuinely in a hurry, and the location wasn't great for finding a taxi. Kim Minji hesitated for a moment and then mentioned the hotel.

It's conveniently located next to the TV station.

Haerin silently prayed that her manager would exhibit some work ethic and decline Kim Minji.

"It's on the way! Hop in," the manager said.

Well, it appeared that work ethic was nowhere to be found!

The passenger seat was cluttered with belongings, and Kim Minji casually opened the car door and sat in the same row as Haerin.

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