08 A Trilogy of Jealousy: Jealousy Is My Best Friend

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08 Jealousy Is My Best Friend

The number of nights Haerin spent with Kim Minji kept adding up, going from a one-night stand to two, and then to three.

While getting dressed in the morning, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret.

"Leaving already?" Kim Minji, still half asleep, inquired.

Haerin responded with a simple "Yeah," not expecting Kim Minji to request her to stay any longer.

To her surprise, Kim Minji roused herself, picked up a T-shirt from the floor, and slipped it on.

"I'll come with you. Just give me a moment," Kim Minji mumbled.


Following Haerin to the living room, Kim Minji rubbed her eyes and began tidying up the gaming console in front of the TV.

She then asked, "Do you have a TV at your place?"

Without much thought, Haerin replied, "Just leave it here; I can play here."

Kim Minji seemed baffled by her words.

Then a mischievous smile on Kim Mini's face hinted that she was thinking something else.

"No, what I meant was..."Haerin said.

"I get it!" Kim Minji interrupted, "But I'm not really into having guests."

"If the game console is here, Ryan will always show up, and I don't like that," Kim Minji explained.

Kim Minji's house looked like it hadn't been occupied the previous night, especially the dining table, which had been reverted to its original state from when she first moved in, with only a kettle and a single cup (just one cup!).

Haerin strongly suspected that Kim Minji wasn't in the habit of spending nights at home.

Haerin wasn't exactly sure what Kim Minji didn't like.

Was it Kim Minjae showing up uninvited, or was it Kim Minjae and Haerin both coming over to play games?

Haerin couldn't bring herself to ask, so she simply said, "Okay," and left the room.

As they waited for the elevator, their reflection in the doors made it clear they both looked like they'd had a crazy late night.

Suddenly, Kim Minji burst into laughter.

Haerin was puzzled and asked, "What's so funny?"

"Wrong clothes," Kim Minji explained.

Then it hit Haerin that her discomfort stemmed from the ill-fitting hoodie; the sleeves were way too long.

"It's fine; I grabbed your hoodie too. Look," Kim Minji extended her arms, and the sleeves hung above her wrists, and the shoulders were too snug.

"We should switch back," Haerin suggested, "it just doesn't feel right."

Kim Minji agreed, stretching her arms. "You're absolutely right. I feel like your hoodie is strangling me."

Kim Minji mentioned, "I'm a bit thirsty."

Haerin gestured towards the fridge, saying, "I've got some sparkling water."

"Perfect," Kim Minji responded. "I'm not a fan of soda."

She spotted a canister of whipped cream inside the fridge.

Kim Minji grabbed it, gave it a good shake, and squeezed it a bit into her mouth.

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