Chapter 27

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Today was the baby gender reveal party, Trent and Jadon have organised it all and all we need to do is arrive. I was so excited but also a bit nervous but I don't know why, the dress code was to wear the colour of the gender you want but me and Jude were giving the exception and allowed to wear white. "JJ do you think mummy is having a baby brother or sister?" Jude asked walking in the room as Jeremiah bounced on the bed, he was more excited about this baby than anyone and keeps asking how long left.
"A little sister!" He exclaimed making me laugh,
"What is it's a boy?" I asked worried for his reaction if blue confetti came out.
"That's cool too!" He smiled and I nodded smiling back at him and Jude.

I changed Jeremiah into a pink shirt and some white shorts and we were soon ready to leave,
We got in the car and Jude drove us to the event.
We got up and walk to the door wich was decorated with big pink and blue Ballon's. "Wow they really went all out's I exclaimed and Jude nodded, "wait till you go inside" the door man laughed and so did we, "your the parents Jude and Jaylee?" He asked and we both nodded.
"Now are you Jeremiah?" He asked bending down to his height and Jeremiah nodded shyly taking my hand. "Well you're a very important guest here and I need to give you this" he said hanging Jeremiah a blue and pink bag that said big brother on it, "oh wow what do you say JJ?" I exclaimed as he took it, "thank you!!" He cheered before the door man pulled out a crown. "Your highness" he said putting the crown with pink and blue gems in his crown wich also had big brother written across it. "Oh wow, you're the boss today" Jude laughed and he smiled proudly.
"Thank you" I smiled to the door man and he nodded as we walked through to the hall and instantly my jaw dropped.

The decoration was amazing and there was a massive stage with a 'oh baby' sign cover with big balloons and a handle in the middle. "This is amazing!" I squealed as Jeremiah and of to look around, Jude wrapped his arms around me and kiss my head, "I can't believe this" he exclaimed and I nodded. "" Jude then said with the look of disbelief, "what?" I asked him but the question was soo answered.
"Hello Jaylee" Jadon said making me turn around and my jaw dropped, him and Trent were both dressed in fully pink suits and had died the hair pink. They both started laughing and me and Jude's shocks faces and once I wasn't so shocked I went and gave them a hug, "you guys really went full out! This is amazing!" I exclaimed and they both laughed.

"Where's Jeremiah did he get his bag?" Trent asked, "he ran off somewhere but he was over the moon" I laughed as I heard complaining behind me I turned around to be greeted by my brother and Jobe who also had crowns on and bags that said uncle. "How old do you think we are?" Jobe asked Trent and Jadon as he pulled a teddy out the bag, "well all the kids got one and considering your only 18 and both act like you five I decided you would quiet like one" Jadon laughed and so did we. "Well I think it's kinda cool" Austin shrugged and I'm not even surprised, "Jaylee you look gorgeous!" Jude's mum then exclaimed walking into the room, "thank you Denise" I smiled giving her a hug before turning to mark and my dad.

Pretty much everyone had arrived now and I was stood talking to Jude and James Maddison when I felt someone grab my shoulders making me flinch a bit, "Hey guys!" I heard a familiar voice say just behind me I turnt around to see Vini, Eduardo and roydrygo all stood there with Maria, Katie and Luana. "No way! what are you guys doing here!" I exclaimed hugging Vini first as Jude dapped up Eduardo, "we couldn't miss this big day, eh?" Vini said and I smiled going and hugging everyone else.

"You look amazing Jaylee" Katie complimented me, "thank so do all of you!" I smiled looking at Katie and Maria's pink dress and Luana's blue dress and they all thanked me, "omg you guys need to meet Mia and Tolami!" I exclaimed leading them all looking for the girls.
I finally found them need the food table,
"Hey guys I want you to meet Maria, Katie and Luana" I exclaimed,
"Guys this is Tolami and Mia" I said and they all greeted each other.

"Jaylee there you are it's time for the big reveal!" Trent exclaimed coming up to me and I looked at him in shock, "already?" I asked and he nodded.
"Ahhh I can't wait! It's Deffiently going to be a girl!" Tolami exclaimed,
"No way it's going to be a boy!" Luana said back, I laughed nervously as Trent dragged me away.

He lead me behind where the small stage with the handle was and I was leered with Jude and Jadon, "hey" I smiled to Jude nervously and he laughed giving me a hug, "you guys ready?" Jadon asked and we both nodded.
"Okay well I'm sure it's self explanatory but we're going to announce you to the stage and then you guys do a little speech blah blah and then a count down and we see the pink confetti fly everyone" Trent said and I nodded, although I didn't pay much attention as I had so many emotions going on at once.

Jadon and Trent then ran off onto the small platform and banged on the microphone, making everyone look over, "hello everyone!" Trent smiled and there was a small sound of hellos back. "It's finally the time you guys have all been waiting for" Jadon said and everyone cheered,
"Well without further of doubt let's bring out the parents!" Trent said as the chase theme tune went off making me a Jude laugh. Jadon signalled us to come so I took Jude's hand and we walked out chasing everyone to cheer louder and laugh as me and Jude were still crying with laughter.

The music soon stopped and both the boys walked off the stage and Jeremiah joined us so I bent down and picked him up, "well I want to thank you all for coming today, it's a very big and exciting day for us, erm... we've only just been informed that we would have to make a speech so bare with" he said making everyone laugh, he then passed me the mic and I panicked almost dropping it. "I want to say a big thank you to Jadon and Trent who planned this all and set it all up for us" I smiled and everyone clapped and cheered and they both took a bow at the side of the stage. "I'm sure you don't want to hear us waffling in so let's do this!" I exclaimed and everyone cheered again.

I put the mic down and everyone started counting down from ten, "JJ just after one you need to help me and daddy push this down" I explained and he nodded placing his hand on I'm between mine and Jude's. "3...2...1!" Everyone counted down and we pushed down the lever as pink exploded everywhere. "It's a girl Jeremiah!" I exclaimed and he cheered and I hugged Jude before kissing him on the lips and he then kissed Jeremiah on the head. Our close family then came on the stage and gave us a hug before we stepped on the stage and went around as everyone congratulated us.

After I had been to everyone I went to Trent and Jadon and gave them a massive hug, "I love you guys so much, thank you for this!" I exclaimed and they both smiled, "of course Jay, we wanted to make this special, you guys deserve it" Trent smiled and Jadon nodded, "I need to sit down after all this excitement" I laughed and they both nodded, "well come with you" Jadon smiled.
We sat down at the table and Jude then came and joined us, "you alright?" He asked me a I nodded with a big smile in my face.
"It's crazy right, this was so much different to Jeremiah's" Jude laughed and I nodded,
"It was our family and two of your friends and we popped the ballon and pretty much went home" I laughed.

Jeremiah and hope then came and Jeremiah came and sat in my lap and hope sat on Jadons,
"You kids having fun?" I asked and they both nodded, "what these babies name?" Jeremiah asked, "we haven't thought about that yet do you guys have any ideas?" I asked them.
"Hope!" Hope exclaimed making us all laugh,
"No! I like moana!" Jeremiah said and me and Jude looked at each other laughing as Jeremiah Deffiently had a crush on her.

People then began to leave the party till it was just our family's, Trent, Jadon and the Madrid players and their girlfriends. We loaded all the baby gifts into the car and were all stood in the car park, "thank you so much again for today it was amazing!" I said hugging Trent and Jadon,
"Seriously it's not worries, if you have anything you would like us to plan let us know I loved it!" Trent smiled and then Jude came over to speak to them. " I cant believe you guys came all the way over here, I hope you enjoyed!" I smiled to the Madrid players and their girlfriends and they both nodded. "Thank you for having us!" Eduardo smiled giving me a hug and everyone else followed in suit, "I honestly can't wait to meet the little girl" Luana smiled and I nodded,
"Me too, not to long now it's getting scary" I laughed and she nodded.

We soon said goodbye to everyone and all went our separate ways, I got in the car and pretty much fell straight to sleep for did Jeremiah.


It's a girl!!

Name suggestions?🧐

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