Chapter 36

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Jude's pov:

Today I woke up and dragged myself into training I called in sick yesterday but my mum practically forced me to go in today and I didn't want to disappoint her anymore.

We had just finished our practice and I had just gone in for lunch, I grabbed my food before going and sitting down next to Vini as everyone has there usual lunch spots and questions would be asked if I randomly sat alone. "Hey what is up with you today?" Vini asked me as I played around with my food and I just shrugged.
"Hello Jude?!?" Rodrygo said waving his hand in my face, I looked up at him and sighed,
"It's nothing" I said.

"alguien sabe que le pasa?" Eduardo then said as I went back to eating, "Yo no, lo viste discutir con nadie?" Vini replied me still having no idea what they were on about. "No, estuvo solo toda la mañana, tal vez tenga algo que ver con su familia?" Rodrygo then added me understanding some of the words this time. "Can you stop talking about me in Spanish right in front of my face" I complained,
"Especially if you're going to talk about my family too" I then added standing up and walking off.
As I heard them say "Más tarde iríamos a su casa"

I went to the physio room and got myself all check out before I was good to go home.
I went home and went straight upstairs to shower as I didn't want to spend any more time in the training camp. I got changed into one of my tracksuits before going back down stairs and sitting in the living room where my mum was.
"Hey mum" I smiled walking in the room,
"Hey, how was training?" She asked.
"Yeah it was good thanks" I said even though I just wanted to lay in my bed and sleep the whole time. "That's goo- OH MY GOD!" my mum said jumping in the sofa so I jumped up to,
"WHAT?" I shouted back.

"SPIDER!" My mum exclaimed point as a massive spider ran across the floor, "AH GET IT MUM!" I yelled as it ran towards me.
"NO IM NOT TOUCHING IT!" She exclaimed dragging me towards her to safety from the spider. "We need to get out of here" I said putting my hand in my face and my mum nodded.
We ran across the sofa and jumped across to the other sofa before running out the room and slamming the door shut.

"That was terrifying!" My mum said and I agreed,
"At least we have another living room because I won't be going in there anytime soon" I said and she nodded. We walked to the other front room and sat down, "have you spoken to Jaylee or Jeremiah today?" My mum asked me and I shook my head. "I'll probably ring later" I said and she nodded, just then the door bell rang so I went and answered it.

To my surprise I saw Vini, Rodrygo and Eduardo stood there I wanted to close the door so badly but I knew that would also result in them hating me so I let them in without saying a word. I lead them through to the living room where my mum gave them a small smile before leaving.
"Jude" Vini said as he took a seat and I looked at him, "what's going on?" He asked and I let out a sigh. "I have fucked everything up and half the world hates me" I said and they all looked at me confused, "I'm sure not half the world hates you but why do you say that?" Rodrygo asked.

"It doesn't matter" I sighed and they all raised there eyebrows, "we all came to your house when we should be resting and all we get is a it doesn't matter?" Eduardo said and the others agree.
"Okay but it will just end up with you guys hating me to" I said through my teeth,
"Stop being a baby and tell us" Vini then snapped and I nodded.

I told then the full story and they all just kind of sat there in silence not knowing what to say,
"Do you miss her?" Vini asked and I nodded.
"I miss her so much, it hurts" I said and they all nodded, "I love her, I can't let her go" I then said and Vini gave me a small hug. "It's okay we can help you" he said and I looked up at him,
"Really?" I asked and he nodded,
"What you did was wrong but, I can see how this is paining you and you're really sorry" he said and I nodded.

"It's going to be hard tho" I said,
"Oh, I'm not to sure, that girl loves you like crazy we've all seen the way she looks at you" Rodrygo spoke, "not anymore, I've caused her so much pain" I sighed.
"You're going to have to start with not being so negative and find ways to fix this" Eduardo said as my mum walked in the room, "there right you know Jude" my mum said and I smiled a bit.

"Thank you guys" I said and they all nodded,
"Of course, mission bring the Bellingham family back together is a go" Vini said and everyone laughed. "I say we start with Jobe, although he's angry at the moment he will always be your brother" Eduardo said and I nodded.
I looked over to my mum and she was really involved with the whole situation wich really made me laugh, we continued discussing plans late into the night before the boys all went home and my mum and I went straight to bed.


Sorry it's a bit of a boring one🤓

I'm probably going to make a sequel to this book once it's finished😙😙

Shout out to my bae baesanch bc she helps me a lot and I love her sm (I also recommend checking out her books🤭)

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