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In the heart of Busan, South Korea, rain poured down from the heavens, a symphony of nature's tears mingling with the rhythm of the city. Each drop, heavy with the weight of the world, painted the streets in liquid silver, their dance captured by the lenses of news cameras and immortalized in the collective memory of the city.

It was a Friday, a day like any other to the world, yet a significant moment in the grand scheme of things. According to the calculations of the United Nations Population Division, on the 13th of September 2000, 357,817 souls took their first breath, a chorus of new life echoing across the whole globe. Among them, I emerged into the world, a tiny voyager in the vast sea of humanity.

Two days hence, amidst the lingering echoes of my arrival, fate wove another thread into the fabric of destiny. In a neighboring home, my mother's dearest friend cradled a newborn baby in her arms, a radiant spark of innocence christened Young Bok. Fate had destined us to be close companions, bound to walk through life side by side. Yet, as time went on, our bond slowly faded away, disappearing like dew in the morning sun.

And so, time flowed on, relentless in its passage, until one fateful day when the heavens wept once more. It was amidst the gentle patter of raindrops that our paths converged once more, the downpour a serendipitous veil cloaking our reunion in mystery and magic.

I'm The Lucky One Right Now itskristenppWhere stories live. Discover now