chapter 7

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Sunflower-Michele Leigh

2 years ago.

"Holy cow, you're such a speedy eater, Pumpkin," Felix remarked, genuine surprise etched on his face, as though this moment were entirely novel, despite our history of countless shared movie nights.

Since our earliest days, we've been inseparable, destined companions embarking on life's journey together, with me being the eldest.

Outside, the rain pitter-pattered against the windowpane, a soothing rhythm that accompanied our cozy evening indoors. The soft glow of the television cast flickering shadows across the room, creating a warm ambiance that enveloped us like a comforting embrace.

Felix nudged the plastic bowl brimming with creamy scoops of vanilla ice cream, my ultimate indulgence. Each spoonful promised a symphony of flavors- velvety smoothness dancing on the palate, a delicate sweetness that lingered like a fond memory, and subtle hints of vanilla bean that whispered tales of distant lands. It was a treat that never failed to evoke a sense of comfort and joy.

As he pushed the bowl towards me, Felix posed a question, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Do you believe that men and women can truly be friends, Pumpkin?"

Intrigued by his sudden introspection, I queried, "Why do you ask?"

His gaze remained fixed on the screen. "It's quite simple, really. Look at them," he observed attentively, as though romcom weren't his least favorite genre.

With a gentle smile, I replied, "Certainly. After all, aren't we living proof of that possibility?" Our conversation melded seamlessly with the ambient noise of rain and the muted murmur of the television, creating a tranquil backdrop for our shared contemplation.

I was right about that very kind of friendship. It's true that women and men can be good friends without getting any feelings or without forgetting about each other's existence.

I reflected on the beauty of our previous friendship, how it defied societal expectations and blossomed into something truly special. He became my rock, the one who always lifted my spirits and stood by me through thick and thin. Yet, despite the comfort he once brought, I couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling that he had become a source of discomfort, a reason why my thoughts began to unravel into madness and why my life changed, yet again.

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