Chapter 45 - Sooji ka Halwa

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"Thank you Badi maa...", said Amaya as she choked. Overwhelmed with the love Badi maa was pouring. Badi maa smiled in return. "This is amma's saree?", shouted Uma as she felt it should belong to her. "No, it belongs to my amma. She was your aunt. Don't dare to call her amma.", replied Mantu. "And yes it is hers. But now it's for the bahu, Uma. It will be better if you accept that Mantu loves Amaya and not you. For you, for him and for everyone.", said Badi maa. Uma looked at Amaya with a glare but Amaya smiled looking at Mantu. Mantu smiled back.

"Did you clean the house beta. It looks amazing. I never saw this house in this condition after Radhika's death. This buddhu Mantu never cleaned his house.", said Badi maa. "Yes, we both cleaned the house Badi maa.", said Amaya. "I don't think so. I don't see any difference. See the store room is still dirty. And I don't even think she did anything. She must have told Mantu to clean everything and she must have rested. I am right na Masi.", interrupted Uma again Masi nodded. Mantu closed his eyes. He had two choices, first to fight with her and put a blame on Amaya for his 'changed' behaviour or 2nd to just avoid her. He chose the 2nd option. "If you really want to assume that, Uma you can.", said Mantu and he turned to Badi maa, "Badi maa let's do the pooja and bhog again. Then Amaya and I have to go to fill our marriage certificate form."

Badi maa nodded and Amaya went inside the kitchen to bring the bowl. "Will this girl stay here only?", asked Masi who saw Piya hugging Mantu's leg. "She will stay here for a week. And I don't need an argument for that Masi. She is a child. Please spare her at least.", said Mantu as he picked her up and said, "Why you are afraid Piya?", asked Mantu. "Why are all your friends so scary?" , questioned Piya. "What do you mean, Piya?", asked Mantu softly.

Piya pointed towards Uma as she continued, "She speaks so loud. And she is so scary. I don't like her. What if she slaps me.", said Piya and Mantu let out a small laugh. Uma fumed as she said, "What are you saying ladki, haan, I look scary... wait I'll show you..." Uma came towards her was about to twist her hand when Mantu held her hand in place, firmly. "Don't even dare to touch Piya Uma, have you gone absolutely mad. Stay in your freaking limits.", shouted Mantu and he let go of her hand. Piya got scared as she hugged Mantu. "Fufu..." "Its okay Piya...and she is not my friend. She is just a responsibility who is hanging around my neck. You don't cry.", said Mantu as he wiped her tears.

Amaya came from the kitchen as she saw Uma and Piya both are in tears. The difference was, Uma's tears were because of anger and revenge and Piya's were innocent. She was about to go to Uma as she saw Mantu is handling Piya but badi maa indicated her to stop. She did. "Let's do the pooja, Amaya.", said badi maa. Amaya nodded and placed a plate of bhog in front of the idol and Mantu began the pooja. When they finished, Amaya distributed the prasad to everyone. From the corner of her eyes she saw Mantu's expression changing. "It is very tasty beta!", said badi maa. "Yes I need more.", said Mantu as he took the bowl and transferred some into his plate. Piya too asked as she sat on his lap and ate. Amaya distributed everyone some amount of prasad and kept a separate plate for Chiklu to eat when he comes from school, in the fridge.

Amaya saw that just a little is left on the bowl, about 2 spoons and she was about to have it when Piya asked for more, she smiled a little and gave it to her. The prasad was finished. Amaya face fell. She wanted to eat that prasad. She made it for the first time. She wanted to taste it. But she said nothing. At least Uma and Masi were also busy eating it without pointing any mistakes. She stood up and walked towards the kitchen to wash the bowl. She entered in the kitchen and kept the bowl in the sink. She closed her eyes. She was trying her best to stay happy, to forget everything but Sneha's words kept hovering her mind. Suddenly she felt someone massaging her shoulders.

She opened her eyes and turned slightly to see Mantu massaging them gently. Amaya smiled. "I am fine Mantu.... You.." "I can see that. First eat this.", said Mantu as he indicated towards his plate which had some halwa left. "You didn't like it?" "I loved it. But I saw nothing was left for you and how can I finish everything when you ate nothing.", he said as he kept massaging. Amaya smiled with tears in her eyes. Happy tears. "I know Amaya, yesterday was one of the toughest day for you.", said Mantu as he turned her towards him and hugged her. He picked up the plate and made her eat a spoon.

"You are working non-stop since morning. I am watching everything. Let these people say crap. I don't care about them. What I care is about you and your health.", said Mantu as he made her eat another spoon and another until it finishes. "This is quite tasty.", said Amaya. "It is", Mantu smiled. "Thank you.", said Amaya. "For what?" "Existing!", said Amaya as she kissed his cheek tightly. And before Mantu could make a move badi maa called Amaya.

Amaya ran towards the veranda as she said, "Yes badi maa, I was..." "Come here beta, and accept your shagun.", said badi maa as she handed her a box. Amaya looked at Mantu and Mantu nodded. Amaya opened the box and saw two gold bangles. Simple. Plain. Delicate yet beautiful. Amaya looked at badi maa as badi maa said, "These are khandani bangles beta. Radhika was given by her mother-in-law, and she was given by hers and now you will pass it on." Amaya smiled lightly and she couldn't control it and hugged badi maa. She let out a sob as she said, "My mom hates me. She told me that I am dead for her. But... Thank you badi maa.  For making me feel less lonely." Mantu smiled as he tried hard to not cry. Badi maa caressed Amaya's hair softly as she said, "Don't worry. You are my daughter now." She pulled Amaya from the hug and said, "And I hate when my daughter cries." Amaya brushed her tears as she smiled softly.


Rama and Rachita entered the marriage registrar's office. Sneha and Rama's dad too entered the office as two witnesses. "We need to fill a form for marriage registration.", said Rama. "That's what people come here for. Just go and sit there for a while..", said the employee rudely. Rama looked at him as he asked Rachita and Sneha to sit on the bench placed outside the gates. It was just about 5 mins when Amaya entered like a storm.

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