Chapter 3: Clearing The Air

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3rd person pov:

Just as the night begins to fade, and roosters begin their morning song. Keigo wakes up with a stretch. A candle lit as it's still too dark to see. Keigo makes his way to the kitchen and looks for food.

Kei:"No eggs, bread, or meat. Not even a fruit or vegetable in sight."

Keigo sighs and heads outback with a change of clothes. He then uses well water in a bucket to bathe. Using homemade soap made from herbs.

After shivering violently from the cool morning air. He finishes quickly and heads for town.

It is there that he sees shops opening early while the sun isn't beating down on their goods.

While in town. He asks around about the church and offers guidance to those in need.

While away, tomura wakes up and searches for the new priest. Only to find his room empty. So he heads to the storehouse.

By the time the sun peeks over the horizon and turns the sky a shade of orange. Keigo is lost in thought.

Kei:^So as long as two priests are at the church during mass. Father tomura catches the wine. While the other says prayer to the people. That's the only time they'll hear God moan. After that, everyone takes part in eucharist. They feel his embrace. As if light envelops them. The more I find out. The more it looks like a drug peddling ring and not human trafficking. If anything, Father tomura is killing to keep it a secret.^

Keigo then looks at the sky and crosses over his shoulder with a small prayer.

Kei:"Red at night is a sailor's delight, but orange in the morn. Sailor's take warn. Please be safe and bless those out at sea today with safe travels and a bountiful catch."

As keigo lowers his head to pray. A hand clasps over his.

Nagant:"It's been ages young man. How have you been?"

He looks up to see a familiar face that hasn't changed.

Kei:"Young man? I'm only three years younger than you."

As they embrace. Nagant whispers in his ear.

Nagant:"If you know what's best. You'll let this town fall and save yourself. That thing is killing those within the church. People and orphans go in, but non return."

As nagant steps away. A doctor runs over and grabs her hand.

Mic:"There you are. Now come along. We must return to the hospital."

Hanging out of the doctor's bag. Keigo spots a straight jacket. So he heads back to the church. Once back, he starts preparing food before starting repairs. While tomura is nowhere to be seen.

With a quick meal to eat. Keigo makes tomura something aswell and leaves it on the counter. Then Keigo starts repairs on the roof.

Kei:"Without a lid. More damage is made below."

As he starts. People start gathering around to help. As women and children help with food and clean up. Men of their craft join in to help. If injuries acure. A doctor does rounds to help, and if needed. Keigo helps to calm children. By the time the day has ended. The church has been mostly repaired. That's when tomura  walks out of the storehouse and is surprised to see everyone.

Tomu:"Where is the new priest?"

The blacksmith looks over at him with a smile.

Vlad:"He's gone to the wine cellar to start repairs there."

Tomura's eyes widen with fear. So he runs after him.

As Keigo dusts and organizes the storage.

He finds a shelf completely cleared of dust and ash. On the shelf are three items. A knife, a silver key, and a page torn out of the script. One of exorcism.

As keigo picks up the knife. He cuts himself along the edge.


The blade could cut hairs in half by it's own weight. As he sets it back down. Tomura walks in.

Kei:"Can I help you-"

Tomura grabs Keigo's injured hand and sees it bleeding.

Shig:"Get cleaned up. I'll take it from here."

As keigo walks by. His gaze spots chains under the stone table that are tucked away and a lock that matches the key found.

Shig:"Before you go. I have to know. How did you really get this assignment?"

Kei:"I was studying at a cathedral when I locked myself away. That way I could dedicate myself to scripture. When I opened the door for the first time in five years. I found everyone dead from the plague. So I came back. In hopes of rebuilding what was once my home."

Keigo walks upstairs and dresses his hand in bandages after cleaning. Then he thanks everyone for helping at the gate. After that. He went to his room. Before his body hits the bed. Slumber takes him.

On this night. Chains now rattle in the cellar. Only for the person to bend down over drops of blood on the floor. A tongue melts through metal to lick it up. That's when wings sprout out their back. Black and thin like that of a bat. Only to have spikes coming from the folds like spers.

A sigh of relief comes from their mouth. As fangs grow and drool drips. Craving more. It sniffs the air and seems curious. As if something seems familiar to them.

"Sandlewood, with mint, and cinnamon. How interesting."

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