Chapter 4: The Song For The Heavens

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3rd person pov:

As day draws near once more. People gather inside to continue to help how they can. So when keigo wakes to off keys playing on the organ. He sees a man and his son repairing it. The green haired boy calls out to his father.

Izu:"Got another that won't release air!"

His thin and frail father is up in the wall to repair the valves and clean them.

Toshi:"That should be all of them! Try playing now!"

Keigo steps forward and offers to sit. So the young man stands up.

Then a heavenly tone plays out for everyone to hear. As he plays away with a humble smile. Memories of touya and him playing this very song come back to him. Their fingers dancing around one another and feet pushing the peddles together.

Keigo is so caught up in the memories that he begins to cry. While a Latin poem spills from his lips.

Kei:"Though now we are apart. I await those eyes once more. Love from above is cold, but one day. I hope to be in your arms once more. The gaze of your love shines brightest above. No star as strong as the one you spark in memory. Never dull until we are together. Only then will heaven truly be perfect."

The boy stops keigo by gently placing his hand atop Keigo's injured hand.

Izu:"Please, father. If it hurts you so. Alone me to assist. It is my job after all."

Keigo sits up and pats the boy's shoulder.

Kei:"As you wish."

As keigo walks away and wipes the tears off his face. He heads to light a candle in remembrance. As he kneels down in prayer. A shadow hand comes from behind him. Only to stop short of touching him before retreating. Then, tomura walks in.

Shig:"Are you ready for tomorrow? It'll be your big day to shine."

Kei:"Yes sir."

Tomura sits beside him.

Shig:"Who's the candle for?"

Kei:"Those lost to the past and will never have a future."

Keigo stands up to leave. So tomura grabs his hand.

Shig:"While we were cleaning. I found something."

Tomura pulls a letter our of his pocket.

Shig:"It was found in the cellar between two stones.

Keigo takes the letter and opens it. Only for tears to flow down his face.

Shig:"The letter was addressed to you."

Keigo clutches it tight after reading it. Then, he hugs tomura.

Kei:"Thank you."

Keigo then runs out of the room.

Tomura then looks up at the rafters at blue eyes that are above. Glaring at them with anger. So the shadow spreads it's wings and goes back into hiding.

As keigo goes to his room to file paperwork of recent donations. He then places the note in his nightstand.

By the end of the day. The church has been restored to what it once was. Stained glass back in place, pews polished to perfection, and people at prayer once again.

As keigo walks our of the main hall. He passes by a man that smells of ash. The man has a cloak on to cover his head.

"Run while you still can priest."

As keigo looks back. He no longer sees the man who spoke to him.

The night came without event and passed by swiftly. As morning comes. Keigo prepares for the big day. As people flock in the church. Keigo stands tall. Ready to preach.

As the words leave his lips. Tomura is nowhere in sight.

Golden eyes glance around in search. Only to be disappointed.

As keigo raises his voice in hopes for the souls above to hear him. A sound echoes out.


Everyone bows in aw at the sound. So keigo continues. As time progresses. The moans soften until they're heard no more.

Elsewhere, shigaraki is smirking down at the winged creature that is panting. Arms and legs bound in red ropes and a chain around his neck. Tomura removes his hand from off the creatures mouth before wiping his other hand off.

Shig:"Now to get the wine for our guests.

Blue eyes close as he tries to calm himself. That's when tomura walks over with a spoon and open bottle of wine.

Kei:"please come forth and receive his blessings.

As people l8ne up. Tomura walks out of the cellar with wine in hand.

As keigo hands out bread. Tomura poors a sip of wine into a glass.

As everyone drinks it. They have the same reaction of blushing Cheeks as they hug themselves.

Kei:^Something is in the wine. I need to discover what though.^

Keigo excuses himself to the restroom and leaves to investigate. Once everyone has left. Shigaraki sighs and heads to the cellar. Only keigo isn't there, and neither is the creature.

Keigo had discovered a spoon that was used to mix something into the wine. Then he saw something that almost resembles milk on the table. He also found ropes that were cut beside the table.

Kei:"What's going on here?"
The smell of ashes lingers in the air. So keigo follows the only clue he has. Following the smell until he reaches the storehouse doors. Only to realize that they're locked.

Shig:"What are you doing?"
Keigo jolts in surprise and turns to face tomura.

Kei:^What now? I can't lie to him..... wait, I don't have to.^"I was trying to find our full supply of wine. I fear that is could be spiked with a drug, or poison. Our guests seemed a bit too excited to drink it. Please forgive me. I should have told you about my concerns before searching. I just didn't want to waste your time if I was wrong."

Shig:"Come with me, and I'll show you what you've been searching for."

Kei:^Well, that was easy.^

Tomura shows Keigo to his office. Where a small vial of the milkish liquid sits on his desk.

Shi:"This is a special sup that is used to help heal damaged tissue from within. I mix it into the wine to help those injured to recover."

Kei:^thar doesn't look like sap to me. I swear if this guy is doing what I think he is. I'm gonna beat the sin out of him.^"I see, well then keep up the good work."

Keigo does a zip lips motion before leaving the room. Once keigo passes a corner in the hall. He runs to the nearest window and pukes out of it.

Kei:^I'd better write my report sooner than later. This man is no priest. He's a con man.^

Tomura snaps his fingers and the winged creature kneels before him.

Shi:"Tonight, you'll feast."

"Understood, master."

Head bowed low. The creature side glances away from tomura.

^I tried to warn you, but no one ever listens.^

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