Chapter 6: Warming Up

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3rd person pov:

As keigo closes his eyes and mutters a prayer. Dabi moves in position to undress him. Only to stop just short of touching his zipper. As he sees keigo trembling and almost in tears.

As the demon stands up. His tail frees the priest.

Keigo curls up and hides his face in his hands.

Dabi walks to the door and looks out of it.

Dabi:"He's gonna need food and drink before we start. Otherwise, he won't last long."

Shig:"Fine. Just start preping him while I'm away."

Dabi:"Yeah yeah, I got it."

Once he turns around. Dabi throws a nearby quilt over the priest. Then he sits by the door. A wing blocking it while he looks away to read a book.

Keigo covers his head, and body to hide. Hoping that the dark brings him comfort.

Kei:"I don't remember an attic being here before."

Dabi:"Master built it after taking over the place."

Keigo peeks out to look around. The room is small, and has no windows. Only the stack of beds, and a single book is in the room. Walls are lined with scratches, deep claw marks, a few holes, and ripped up papers about the fire.

Keigo sits up and wraps himself in the quilt before looking over for permission to stand. Yet the demon doesn't look away from the book. So he walks over to read the papers.

Kei:"No cause found?"

Dabi:"They didn't want to tell everyone about a priest murdering children. So it was covered up."

Kei:"How do you know?"

Dabi:"Sit back down. He could be back any moment."

Keigo walks back and sees that there are tattoos around Dabi's wrists and neck. His burns have threads that are sown to his skin to keep it together.

Dabi notices keigo stairing. So he glances over at him. This causes the priest to quickly sit down.

Dabi:"You know, that deal could still happen you know. All you need to do is say the word, and I'll be at your comand."

Kei:"Don't you already have a master?"

Dabi:"Can i guy look for new employment? You seem nice. So why not."

Kei:"Not happening. "

Dabi:"Suit yourself."

Tomura walks in with a piece of bread and an orange with a side of wine.

Dabi:"Wine at this hour?"

Shig:"It's to numb the pain."

Dabi checks the cork for tampers.

Shig:"Relax. I want you to make more. Not waste it on him."

Tomura hands over the plate and walks out of the room.

Shig:"Have a bottle full by tonight or else!"

As dabi passes the food and drink. He rubs his tattoo on his left wrist. While his tail moves the food.

Keigo hesitates to eat.

Dabi:"You're gonna need your strangth. After you finish. I have to continue where we left off. No more stalling."

Keigo eats slowly and chugs the wine. After awhile, Keigo's face turns red.

Dabi stands up and drops his pants. Then his tail binds around keigo once more. Forcing his legs apart by wrapping at each ankle and pushing his legs up. This causes keigo to whince.

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