Chapter 8: A Dream To Remember

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3rd person pov:

As both sleep. Keigo dreams of the past.

Touya's face has faded to memory. Yet even so. The smile still shines bright. Keigo takes his hand as they both dance together.

Kei:"So this is it. Tomorrow, you'll leave the orphanage."

As Keigo looks down. Touya tilts his chin up for a kiss. After a few moments. He breaks away and nuzzles his nose to Keigo's. Then they touch foreheads.

Tou:"I won't leave town until we can leave together. So try not to get adopted before I come for you."

Kei:"It's a promise."

As touya walks away. Everything fades to black. Then keigo finds himself in the bedroom full of smoke.

As he stands up to look around for touya. A shadow flys across the hall.

Keigo gives chase. Only to see touya running from him.

Meanwhile, Dabi's dream is of a priest throwing oil on him like he would holy water for an exorcism. The priest has no face, but dabi feels betrayed. Then, a match is lit and dropped onto him. As flames engulf the priest first. Dabi pushes him aside to run away. As the priest fell. He grabs Dabi's leg and sets it on fire. Even through the pain. Dabi runs and sees bodies all around. As he runs. The fire spreads behind him. As every step gets heavier to take. He continues. That's when he sees a figure in the smoke running away from him. A nun leading someone out of the building. That's when the weight is lifted off of him.

Flames engulf him, and tears of joy burn away as they're produced.

Dabi:"Live and be free little bird. I'll be watching you from the other side."

As he begins to feel the pain go away. Hands reach out from the fire. Grabbing his limbs and neck to etch tattoos on him.

When dabi wakes. He sees keigo asleep beside him. So dabi picks him up and dresses his broken legs. Using wood planks and a thin blanket to wrap them and set the bones. He t G en kisses Keigo's forehead with a spell.

Dabi:^Take some of my life-force to heal faster. My only goal is to stop the pain."

Kei:"Mh, well, if that's true. *yawn!* break your contract."

Dabi looks away from keigo.

Dabi:"I can't anymore. He.... he orderheard. Now my only hope is if someone finds my body and sets me free."

Kei:"Where is it?"

Dabi:"If I knew that. We wouldn't be here. I've read textbooks about death and spirits. So I at least know my body is here because I died at this place and have strong attachment here."

Kei:"If I help you search. What will happen?"

Dabi:"I don't know.-"

Dabi's head hurts and he grips it tight.

Kei:"What's wrong?"

Dabi:"I'm fine! The pain will pass soon. So Don't worry. "^Ever since we met. I'm been getting memories of my life back. Which is why I'm keeping you around. I need to remember who I once was to find my body.^

As dabi pats Keigo's head. He smiles softly at him.

The smile causes keigo to flash a memory of someone else's smile.

Kei:"Wait. Are you-"^No. Touya's bones were buried at a mass grave sight across town with the other orphans.^

As both sit in silence while lost in thought. Tomura walks in with food and a chocolate aphrodisiac. He grabs Dabi's chin to make him look up.

Shig:"Are you ready for another day?"

Dabi pouts and looks away from him. So, tomura let's him go. Only to backhand him.

Keigo goes to move. Only for dabi to raise a hand to stop him.

Dabi:"Stay out of this. It doesn't concern you."

Shig:"You wanna help this thing?"

As tomura turns to face keigo. Dabi reaches to grab him. Only for a point to the floor forces dabi to bow.

Shig:"if you really wanna help him. Fuck him till he's dry, everyday, for ten years. Then I'll release you both."

Kei:"You will?"

Dabi:"Don't listen to him. He's lying-"


Kei:"If you're telling the truth. I'll make you a deal."

Dabi's eyes widen with fear.

Kei:"After ten years. You set him free. Then I'll take his place."

Dabi:^You idiot! Don't do this!^

Dabi trembles to fight back. Tomura looks over to see Dabi's eyes full of rage as blood comes from his stitches.

Shig:" Let me think it other. I'll give you some alone time aswell. Now come along, pet. We need to have a talk."

As dabi stands up. His toes claw at the floor with every step. As if he doesn't want to go.

Keigo reaches for Dabi's hand. Only for the demon to slap it away.

Kei:"I..... I'm sorry."

Dabi doesn't look back and keeps walking forward. His eyes have a deep shadow over them. As he knows what's about to happen next, and isn't looking forward to it.

Keigo is locked away. While dabi is walked to Tomura's office. Then, with a button on his desk pushed. A secret door opens to an underground cellar with an x bar and chains. Tomura shackles dabi to the bars before leaving to retrieve the knife from the wine cellar that cut keigo.

While he's away. Dabi tries to calm his nerves. Only to get another memory. Once of a young boy with red and white hair laughing. Then cries ring out. Dabi's hands covered in blood. T h en another of him running until he can't go any further. Feet bear and skin peeling away from lack of shoes. He then collapses by a woman picking berries in the woods. She had shoulder-length purple hair and had her nun cap off to wipe sweat away.

Dabi comes out of the memory with a sharp sting of a blade to his chest. As tomura carves into his skin similes.

The loss of blood causes dabi to lose his wings. As his blood is his power.

T g en tomura holds a Bible in hand. As he begins to recite it in Latin. Causing dabi to howl out in pain. Body contortions in agony from every word spoken. Every inch of his body feels as if someone is hammering nails into him. His pupils shrink as he begins to go into shock.

Dabi's body catches on fire and begins to burn a bright blue. So tomura stops to let them go out. Once out. He gives dabi a ten second break before doing it again. Only to repeat the process several times.

Keigo goes two whole days without seeing anyone or getting food. Luckily, there was a bottle of wine to drink. While alone, he sings Ave Maria to comfort himself. Along with other songs.

The song rings out into the quiet church like a heavenly voice.

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