~+Fitting rooms+~

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You and Clemmy had just gotten done with shopping for makeup and skin care, and you both had allready spent over 1,000$. But I mean it was worth it, if you looked good. You had both made it to the first dress shop, you were going to look at the dress shops before moving onto the designer dresses.

You had gone through two stores and tryed on a total of 0 dresses. None of them had really caught your eye. Clemmy keppt bothering you with "Oh come on just try this one on!" Or the "Omg! This one would look amazing on you!" As she held up different dresses. You didn't know for sure of your color scheme however you were planing on getting a champagne, tight dress, and you were planing to pair it with silver accents. However all of the Champagne dresses that you had looked at just didn't feel, or look just right for you.

    You had no clue what you were going to to do. It had gotten to the point of were you had gone through 3 stores and nothing had caught your eye. Untill you saw the dress.
It was exactly what you were looking for! It what champagne, body fitting, it had flowy sleeves, it whent down your legs and had a slit. You could swear that their could not be a more perfect dress for you. And as you looked trough the rack that was carrying the dress it perfectly had you size.

    After you had grabbed the dress you wanted to try on you immediately brought it over to the fitting rooms. As soon as you had zipped on the dress it was perfect. It fit you, it was exactly the color that you had wanted, the shaping that you wanted. Everything. Everything about it was perfect. It was as if the dress was the definition for perfection.

    As soon as you got the dress on you were practically jumping with how happy you were because you found the dress. You stepped out of the fitting room, looked at Clemmy and did a little spin for her to see the dress fully

"Oh My God!" Clemmy stood up to get a closer look.
"Do you like it?" You asked her.
"What do you mean do I like it? Of course I do! And even if I didn't it doesn't matter what I like! One it's your dress not mine Two as long as your happy I'm happy! And third you look absolutely stunning in this dress!" Clemensia said.
"I'm POSITIVE that this is the dress that I want to get!" You said looking at Clemmy with a big smile on your face.

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